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Eye without a face--My take on the movie with spoilers!


PLOT SUMMARY: Henry, who is agoraphobic, develops an unhealthy obsession with spying on women through webcams. But soon he suspects one of them may be a serial killer. 

Let's face it, we all have some form of addiction to the internet. Whether we are researching a topic, watching videos online, or simply interacting with our friends on social media.

Especially during the pandemic, our reliance on the internet has grown twofold at least. It is a tool that helps us connect with the outside world.

For some, though, it becomes a form of dependence, a way to hide from the outside world.

The connections we make with other people is important but there are many who suffer from anxiety issues and prefer the comfort and convenience of interacting with people using the email and chat features.

And then there are those who hack into people's webcams and spy on others.


Meet Henry, an agoraphobic man who has developed an unhealthy obsession with spying on the women who live nearby. In his mind, he's watching over them, is their best friend and protector, and potential girlfriends, too.

The girls are unaware and for some reason, all of them keep their laptops on at all times, even when inviting guests over to deliver important news.

Henry doesn't need TV dramas anymore. He has to simply switch the on the computer and watch the live drama.

Henry lives with Eric, a struggling actor who is also struggling to pay rent. He takes advantage of Henry's pushover attitude to avoid paying rent.

Henry doesn't care much. He has more important things to do like figuring out the personalities of the women he's watching.

One woman who intrigues him is Laura, the woman who we see in the beginning of the film carrying a razor blade. Henry begins to believe that Laura is a murderer and kills the men she dates by spiking their coffee. He also believes she then cooks and eats them too.

He shares his suspicions with Eric who laughs it off but when he sees Laura putting something in her date's coffee, urges Henry to call the police.

The duo does it and watch the police arrive only to see Laura get away with it by informing the police that she was only adding ashwagandha in the coffee. Did she ask her date is she could do that? And what would the taste be like? And does Ashwagandha have an  aftertaste? Why mix together caffeine and a stress reliever?

After that Eric too believes Henry is paranoid and needs to take his meds. Why does he need to take his meds?

Because Henry had an abusive father who he thinks will return to hurt him. Henry has a locked room in the apartment which he believes is where his father lives. Eric is not allowed in there.

Henry still has his suspicions and is on tenterhooks because Laura now knows that she is being watched and puts on a tape over the webcam. She also threatens her unknown hacker that she will get him.

Henry knows that is not possible but does contact another woman he's watching who makes money online by having men pay to watch her do whatever they want. Henry pays, doesn't show himself and instead of asking her to indulge in sensual activities, asks her out on a date. The woman tells him she doesn't think they are in the same state. Henry reveals her address accidentally and she freaks out and tells him to never contact her again.

EYE WITHOUT A FACE Ending Explained with Spoilers! 

Henry descends further into loneliness. He watches another woman being dumped by her boyfriend after she gets pregnant. His heart goes to the women he watches but his paranoia has increased too.

Eric and Henry get into a thing regarding his rent and then Eric decides to go see Laura and find out if she is a murderer.

Laura immediately understands that Eric has been duping her and is in cahoots with her hacker. She threatens Henry to show his face and he does. She tries to send Eric away but he gets smitten by her and they spend the night together.

Henry gets peeved that the women he's watching don't prefer him and gets jealous of Eric to the point that he kills him. Henry has been off his meds, after all.

Laura comes looking for Eric, finds him dead and we return to the first scene of the movie. Laura isn't the killer, Henry is. And he's turn full on psychotic.

He looks into the mirror, sees himself and imagines him to be his father. He uses the blade on himself.

Eyes without a face has some interesting moments, and serves as a reminder to not obsess over the internet, but the movie is slow, almost bordering on comedy but not exploring it properly.

Or rather the movie could have adjusted its tone so that the scenes where Henry was watching the women weren't comical but dramatic.

Scare scale: 2.5/5 


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