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The Boy Behind the Door-- My take on the movie with spoilers!


PLOT SUMMARY: When Bobby and Kevin are kidnapped, and Bobby is set free, he decides he will do whatever it takes to save his friend and goes back inside the house

Friendships are very important; best friends are a treasure.

At some point, when we were kids, we made promises to do anything for each other and stand by each other through thick and thin. The friends we make as we grow up become different. Then it's all about friends until something important comes up or friends until I have a date to go to, or friends until I just want to stay at home and do nothing...hope you understand.

Understanding that adulthood is challenging and commitments cannot always be made is what adult friendships are like. Still, as adults, we would do anything for our friends, right?

The Boy Behind the Door is a movie about friendship and the great lengths two boys will go for each other because their parents are definitely not going to come in and save the day. Or even look for them after they got kidnapped. Yes, sometimes friends are more like family than actual family is.


Bobby and Kevin are friends who keep talking about going to California one day. That's the dream: to go and lie on a beach in California.

One day, while the two boys take a shortcut coming from baseball practice, they are kidnapped and find themselves waking up in a car trunk. Kevin is taken inside while Bobby is left in the trunk. He somehow manages to push and kick his way out. His first instinct is to run away quickly and save his skin. But then he hears his friend scream for help and he stops.

All reasoning goes for a toss through the window. He could have run away and got some help but he knows he can be a hero. He goes back into the house to find Kevin is chained and locked inside the house. Bobby tries the door but of course, it doesn't open. He tiptoes around the house, glad that the TV is on to muffle his footsteps. There's a kettle whistling atop a stove and of course, that's going to come into play soon.

Bobby sees the kidnapper who sees him too. There's a chase scene that ends in a kitchen where Bobby positions himself in front of the stove, picks up the kettle and flings the contents on the man's face. It must be really cold inside for boiling water to cool down immediately. The kettle was whistling just five minutes ago, wasn't it?

The kidnapper looks annoyed at being drenched but forgets that water is wet and slippery and has created a puddle beneath his feet. He slips and hits his head on the side of the table. There's some blood but not enough for Bobby to be convinced that the kidnapper won't come after him. He picks a knife and goes closer to check on the man only for him to wake up and let the knife slip into his stomach. Now he's dead for sure. The large puddle of blood confirms it.

Bobby freaks out a little at being a killer at such a young age but gets over it. He has to save Kevin. Friends till the end!

But of course, there's another kidnapper lurking around who has watched The Shining enough times to want to recreate the famous scenes. And to carry an axe around.

While the kidnapper is checking on Kevin, Bobby gets rid of the kidnapper by throwing him off the stairs and then cleaning up his blood because he doesn't like to leave a mess around.

He has already tried to drive the car and knows he's terrible at it. 

Bobby then hides in the bathroom because he wants to help the kidnapper recreate an iconic scene. The kidnapper uses the axe to create a hole in the door and then tries to reach for the door handle only for Bobby to slash it with a nail file. The kidnapper retracts their hand.

Fortunately, Bobby was able to make a call to the police though unable to give the location. A cop arrives and the kidnapper heads to the door. turns out she's a woman. She plays the innocent neighbour who has no idea anything bad is happening around. The cop grows suspicious when he sees the cut on her hand and tells her to get some ID. She goes in and takes a long time. The cop gets bored and enters the house, making sure the door is closed behind him so no one can hear his screams when the kidnapper jumps out to kill him with an axe.

Bobby is at the stairs and witnesses everything after snooping around and finding a safe full of photos of kids tied up, and a key.

There's some running around and eventually, they end up at the basement where Bobby manages to handcuff the kidnapper to the pole.

THE BOY BEHIND THE DOOR Ending Explained with Spoilers! 

After having previously tried to open the door with a knife and failing terribly, Bobby goes back upstairs and can't open the door. He goes back downstairs to get the keys from the kidnapper only to have her shoot him in the leg. He goes up to unlock the door and along with Kevin, heads out. But Kevin has a shock collar around his neck and one step on the stairs causes him to get a shock. Bobby runs to get cutters and the kidnapper makes a grab for him and pokes a finger into his gunshot wound.

He screams and decides that he's a killer already so now why not become a thumb chopper as well. Off goes the kidnapper's thumb and she retreats. Bobby manages to get out but can't make it back to his friend.

Kevin sees his friend's state and doesn't want to go to California alone. He rushes over to him, enduring the shocks around his neck. He makes it to Bobby and shakes him awake. He drags a semi-conscious Bobby to the cop's car and uses the radio to make a call.

He also uses the first aid box and is figuring out how to get the car moving when the kidnapper returns and attacks the car. When she's unable to break the glass, she uses the cop's keys to unlock the car and drags Bobby out.

Kevin has luckily found a taser that he uses on the kidnapper. The boys run through the woods and the kidnapper manages to catch up to them. She raises her axe and the boys think about the beaches in California again. Their dream is about to die along with them.

Fortunately, that doesn't happen. A cop comes just in time to shoot the kidnapper right in the back.

The boys are saved and the first thing they do when they get better is to go lay on the beach in California.

Dreams do come true.

Did their parents take them? Do they have parents? Were the boys able to take a trip all by themselves?

They sure know how to handle themselves without help. They took down the kidnappers all by themselves after all.

Scare scale: 3.5/5 


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