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Doll Cemetery-- My take on the movie with spoilers!


PLOT SUMMARY: A writer is sent to a remote village for inspiration and finds inspiration from a local legend only to realize that the danger may be all too real. 

You know you're watching a terrible film when the background score is playing louder than the dialogues. Also, if the first scene has bad lighting, and the night scene looks like it's shot in an aquarium, then you know better than to continue watching.

Seriously, all I could think of was why everything was so blue.

Still, I carried on watching because the first scene doesn't necessarily set the tone for the entire film.

Sometimes, things do get better.

In the case of Doll Cemetery, it doesn't.

The story is weirdly out of place and seems to draw inspiration from The  Wicker Man. Especially the last scene.


In the first scene, we meet a distressed woman attending a call. She goes in and doesn't turn any of the lights at her home.

Wants something from the refrigerator, no need for the light. Hears something creepy, still no need to turn on the light.

A weird person in a mask hiding in the kitchen, let's continue to keep the lights off and get murdered.

There is copious amounts of blood used though as the woman is attacked by what is not a little person in a mask, but a life-sized ghostly doll.

In the next scene, we see a meeting between a writer and agent in a bar.

The author, Brendan, is being forced to submit another book he has no motivation to write.

The agent sends him off to a remote town to live in a quiet little cottage to work without distractions.

Meanwhile, the doll boy is off killing tourists.

When Brendan arrives, the driver doesn't help him with luggage or drop him near his house. He has no choice but to walk down the road. On the way, he meets a woman in a red dress who flirts with him. He gets the address from her and gets to the cottage.

Does he write? Nope.

We see flashes of a boy who used to live in the town and his obsession with dolls.

At night, Brendan awakens to find the woman in the red dress at his home. They drink wine and she fails at seducing him.

Brendan finds the doll later on and is inspired to write about him.

The townsfolk are weird and rude toward him, and later on, when Brendan meets the girl in the red dress, he finds her in a wheelchair with her parents insisting she cannot speak.

DOLL CEMETERY Ending Explained with Spoilers!

Brendan knows something weird is going on. People seem obsessed with the tale of the boy called Alfred who kills himself so that he can become the dolls he adores.

The people in the town, were for some reason, trying to appease this ghost doll and were looking for the chosen one to sacrifice.

The agent was in it to search for the perfect candidate.

Brendan is killed and buried in a cemetery where many have met the same fate at the hands of these crazy people.

So basically, it's not a cemetery for the dolls, but for the doll's victims.

Between the hotchpotch story and tee bad lighting, the actors do a somewhat decent job.

The direction is very weak and you don't care for the doll or Brendan at all. All you want to do is for this movie to be over so you can go to sleep.

Scare scale: 0.5/5 


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