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HELLIONS--My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: On Halloween Night, Dora must survive an attack from malevolent creatures that seem to want her unborn baby.

 I would like to believe there was a time when children could go trick or treating on Halloween without looking over their shoulders. All they had to do was dress up in the costumes of their favorite, heroes (or whatever object or animal they admired), carry a bag and knock on peoples' houses for candy.

Unfortunately, the world changed drastically and crime spiked. Parents feared their children may be knocking on the doors of pedophiles or terrorists and all this paranoia put a damper on the festivities.

As if all this wasn't enough, Hellions gives us another reason to fear Halloween. Now not only do we have to fear children falling prey to criminals, but be very afraid and wary of who may come knocking on our door.


The movie begins with a flashback of Dora who is seen in the hospital looking completely stupefied. As her story unfolds, we learn that Dora, a teenager, finds out she's pregnant and is thinking of ways to break the news to her boyfriend and mother.

As she waits for her boyfriend to come pick her up for a party, Dora-dressed as an angel- is roused from her disturbing thoughts by a knock on the door. Assuming they are children, she opens the door and hands them candy, only to discover that her yard had been vandalized and one of the masked ones, puts a bloody hand on her stomach.

It is when Dora is shown the severed head of her boyfriend in their candy sack, that she realizes that she is being harassed by creatures who seem to want her baby. Dora does everything she can do to survive and in the end, slices her stomach open to cut out the demon baby who has already grown at an alarming rate.

She survives and we are shown her looking at the newborn babies. Whether the demon baby survived or Dora is just shown thinking of her lost baby...we will never know for sure I guess.

The movie was like any other 'surviving -an -attack' kind of movie. The only difference was that it appeared as if the filmmakers used two different kinds of styles to make this one.

The movie began in a normal setting. The story was being set, the conflict was brought in and suddenly the screen turned to pink hues and disorienting. The climax was confusing as Dora was caught between dream and reality. What was real? Was she being saved? Was she being taken away?

The movie started to falter as it tried to identify itself as either a horror movie or an artsy one.

In the end, the movie doesn't work because it is ill-defined. Had it stuck to one style of filming, the movie could have been an enjoyable watch and we wouldn't have been befuddled by the events in the movie.

But I have to say that the first half did have some horror moments: Not scary, but good enough.

Scare Scale: 2.5/5


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