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Horror Weekly News: Thrilling updates on two popular Horror Franchises!

 More details on Scream 6 has emerged. 

The movie, also known as Scream 2 considering it is a “requel” to Scream, will see the return of Hayden Panettiere’s character Kirby Reed. 

Kirby Reed became a fan favorite when Scream 4 was revealed and she was believed to be one of the victim’s of Ghostface. Her fate was left ambiguous until the release of Scream (5) where she is seen giving an interview online. 

Kirby was quirky, snarky and had the wittiest dialogues which is why the audience loved her and waited for her return. 

Now that (Spoiler Alert!) Dewey is dead, the franchise will need at least one officer of the law to provide assistance to the victims. Dermot Mulroney has been cast as a police officer although rumor has it that he may just as well be a potential killer. Let’s see…

Won’t it be too obvious that a new character has been added and that he just happens to be the killer? That’s a dead giveaway, isn’t it? 

Neve Campbell is yet to confirm her involvement though rumors are rife that she has turned down the role. She had, after all, passed the torch on to the new generation of characters: Tara and Sam Carpenter. 

Characters Gale Weathers, Mindy, and Chad are also set to return. 

The movie is set to release on March 31, 2023. 

In other news…

Here’s another franchise that is going to see a new installment: Final Destination! 

Fans of the franchise may remember that the fifth movie ended with (spoiler alert) with the story coming in full circle. The survivors of the fifth film end up getting on the plane from the first movie. While the characters of the first movie are deplaned, the survivors of the fifth film perish in the plane when it catches fire. 

The sixth film is set to be a re-imagining of the franchise. The film will focus on front line workers and the horrors they will experience. 

As with the theme of the movies, no doubt the front line workers will experience a harrowing experience, one of them will possess the ability to predict what will happen next and manage to save a couple of their colleagues. 

But you can’t escape death, can you? There have been five films to prove that you cannot cheat death. 

Final Destination 5 came in 2011, and now a sixth movie is in the works 11 years later. The movie is still in pre-production status and the script is still being written. 


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