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Dybbuk--My take on the movie with spoilers!

PLOT SUMMARY: When Mahi finds an antique box and brings it into her home, the dybbuk inside it begins to haunt her and her husband Sam. 

 For some reason, it has become important to be vigilant when purchasing antiques. Chances are, the chest with engravings that looks good may actually be a vessel for a trapped evil soul.

That's what happens to a couple, Mahi and Sam when the wife buys a chest on one of her shopping sprees.

DYBBUK Movie Plot 

The movie opens with an antique seller, attending a Jewish man's funeral. While everyone is busy mourning, he creeps into a room and steals a wine chest. He brings it to his shop hoping to get a good price for it. His employee, while shutting shop for the night, begins to take selfies with the antiques when suddenly he hears whispers.

It's the stolen chest and when he approaches it, he is attacked viciously. The next morning, the police are investigating and find the man's corpse contorted and stuffed in a box.

Meanwhile, Mahi and Sam are planning to relocate to Mauritius. Mahi is sulking because she's leaving her friends behind. Sam tells her they need to start their life elsewhere as Mahi's family still doesn't approve of their inter-caste marriage.

Mahi decides that Mauritius will be a fresh new start for the both of them and they can plan a family.

They fly off to Mauritius where Sam is given a prominent position in a nuclear waste facility. Mahi is given charge of interior designing and the first thing she decides to do is to make the house look old and dirty.

She goes all around the antique shop, doesn't like any of the pieces and feels compelled to buy the chest. Once she brings it home, she obsesses over it, caressing it and looking at it as if it's the most beautiful thing she's ever seen in her life.

Sam comes and can't understand why his wife is so distracted. After the Father who practically raised him advises Sam there is some evil going on about, Sam consults a rabbi who has his theories about the chest. He tells him about the Jewish mythology creature called the dybbuk but that it won't possess anyone until their soul is separated from their body, have mental issues, or is pregnant as the baby doesn't have a soul until three months at least.

Soon enough, Mahi becomes pregnant and when Sam mentions it to the rabbi he grows concerned and informs him that his suspicions are correct; Mahi's baby is being possessed by the dybbuk.

Now Mahi and Sam had previously acquainted themselves with their neighbors who have a dog. Of course, the minute Mahi becomes possessed the dog barks at her like a lunatic. Mahi doesn't seem to like that the dog might give away the fact that she is possessed.

She decides to get revenge on him. Later that night, Sam wakes up to find Mahi missing. He heads out and sees her walking like a zombie in a nightgown. She is heavily pregnant at this point. There's some clunky editing going on which ends with the rabbi's son standing in front if Mahi and questioning her. The rabbi's son, Markus takes on the case after his father passes away.

He asks the dybbuk possessed who they are and gets a name: Abraham Ezra. At this point, you will notice that Sam isn't wearing his glasses. Turns out it isn't a continuation error but that a scene has taken place which will be revealed later. It's to be noted that these missing scenes and the clunky editing does little to enhance the suspense and does more to damage the story and hamper the viewing experience.

Back to the story, Rabbi Markus brings Mahi back and tells Sam he needs to conduct research on the dybbuk because it is very gender-specific and would definitely want the baby to be a boy.

Rabbi Markus' research leads him to a tale of star-crossed lovers in the island: Abraham Ezra and Norah. They belonged to a different caste and class and were finding it difficult to be together. But that didn't stop Abraham from impregnating Norah and just leaving for some work with his father Yakub Ezra. Yakub wastes no time in telling his son that there was no way he was getting married to Norah. Abraham gets desolate and has no idea what he's done with Norah.

Norah receives a letter from a depressed Abraham who decides to end the relationship. Norah's pregnancy is discovered by her family who rejects her and shut her in a room. Norah feels that her only solution is death and commits suicide. Her father riles up a mob and they attack Abraham the minute he steps into the island.

Yakub is unable to save his son from getting beaten up to the point that he becomes invalid. Yakub wants revenge and performs a ritual wherein he turns his son into a dybbuk by slitting his throat and trapping his soul in a box. Yakub buried a wooden mannequin in his place and dumps Abraham's body into the sea.

And so for some reason, Norah is also haunting the couple, Abraham and Yakub too who died at some point. It all gets confusing fast.

But wait! There's a twist!

DYBBUK Ending Explained with Spoilers! 

It's not Mahi who was possessed but Sam.

The Rabbi figures it out that night when Mahi was roaming around carrying a dog's head in a bag. When he confronts her, it wasn't her but Sam who had spoken after Yakub attacks him and cracks his glasses. This explains why Sam wasn't wearing his glasses in the scene after.

Now the reason Sam was possessed was that he faced a mental breakdown after his parents died in a car accident and plus, Sam handles nuclear waste and the dybbuk thought it was a perfect opportunity to get the ultimate revenge on the people of the island who maimed his son.

But love conquers all and during the exorcism, Sam is reminded of his love for Mahi and the souls of Norah and Abraham are reunited.

The dybbuk is trapped in the chest again and the Rabbi dumps it into the sea.

Months pass and Mahi gives birth to a baby boy and all is well in their little world.

The movie is ineffective in its horror scenes and the cut-in scenes to present mystery does not work. Thankfully there aren't any unnecessary songs to hamper the proceedings but the story feels disjointed anyway.

The ending leaves questions and the clarification does not really clarify. Like, what is up with Mahi anyway? As she possessed initially and then the dybbuk jumps into Sam after seeing where he works?

The actors do a decent job but are let down by a weak story and terrible editing.

Scare scale: 2/5 


  1. Natural vs. Enhanced Beauty: Opinions may differ on the use of makeup, cosmetic procedures, or other enhancements. Some women prefer a more natural look, while others enjoy experimenting with makeup and beauty products.


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