Horror Weekly News: Anya Taylor-Joy stars in a new thriller. Updates on Creep 3.


Anya Taylor-Joy stars in an upcoming thriller titled The Menu. The trailer shows Anya’s character at a restaurant with her date Nicholas Hoult. The rest of the guests are all enjoying the food and there is probably a food critic present too. 

The chef is none other than Ralph Fiennes who steals the show in the trailer with his presence. He commands the respect of his cooks and claps his hands at intervals to make points. 

The trailer shows that an incident takes place after which the guests try to make a run for it only to find themselves trapped. 

At one point the chef tells Anya’s character that she shouldn’t be here. 

Just what is going on at the restaurant? 

We will find out only on November 18th when the movie releases. 

Check out the trailer: 


 In other news…

Following the success of Creep and the sequel Creep 2, it was announced that Creep 3 would be made. 

Actor Mark Duplass who plays the titular role, and who has written the story along with Patrick Brice, has admitted he wasn’t entirely pleased with Creep 2 despite the film’s success. 

He has admitted to working on the script for Creep 3 and is waiting to be super-inspired. 

The movie Creep was about a serial killer called Aaron who emotionally manipulates victims before attempting to kill him. 

The first movie holds a 90% rating on Rotten Tomatoes while the sequel has a 100% rating from critics. 

The movie was shot in found-footage style. 


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