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Horror Weekly News: Update on the sequel to Bird Box. A past character returns to Chucky.

 In 2018, when the movie Bird Box was released on Netflix, it became an instant hit. Bird Box became Netflix’s most-watched movie, 28 days into its release. 

The movie was based on the novel Bird Box by Josh Malerman and starred Sandra Bullock, Sarah Paulson, John Malkovich among others. 

The movie was about a woman called Malorie who tries to protect her two children from entities who cause people to commit suicide once they see these entities. 

Throughout most of the movie, Malorie protects herself and her children by wearing blindfolds. The movie has become a subject of several memes over the years. 

A sequel was announced following the success of the movie, however, as per rumors, the movie was stalled due to the pandemic. 

The movie is now in the works and is apparently based on Josh Malerman’s sequel to Bird Box titled Malorie. 

The sequel opens with Malorie and her two children living at the school of the blind for two years when suddenly the creatures manage to enter the school and throw chaos. 

Malorie and her children manage to escape and find shelter at a summer camp. But there Malorie learns that the creatures may be evolving and now be able to make people go mad. 

It is yet to be confirmed whether Sandra Bullock will reprise her role as Malorie or not. 

In the time being, a spin-off film in the Spanish Language has also been green-lit. 

In other news...

The Chucky series sees the return of Glen/Glenda. Who is that? Why it is none other than Chucky and Tiffany's child. 

Glen/Glenda was last seen in Seed of Chucky. Eager to find more about their origins, Glen/Glenda goes in search of Chucky and Tiffany whom they believe to be their parents. 

They revive them but are then shocked to discover that they have parents with murderous tendencies. Glen/Glenda soon given into to their instincts but Tiffany who wanted a normal family is torn. 

A fight between Chucky and Tiffany ensues during which Glen/Glenda manages to incapacitate Chucky. The spell is used and Glen/Glenda enters the body of a baby while Tiffany chooses Jennifer Tilly to be her vessel. 

But Chucky can never be destroyed. He sends his arm over to Glen/Glenda's house in a package. The last we see is Chucky's arm grabbing Glen/Glenda by the throat. 

It will be interesting to see how Chucky copes with fatherhood and how the family will work out as a whole. After all, Tiffany and Glen/Glenda are human whereas Chucky is still a doll. 

Glen/Glenda will be played by Lachlan Watson. 

The series returns this fall. 


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