Theories about NOPE

Jordan Peele's new movie is coming out and that is enough for any horror fan to get excited. 

After all, why not? 

Once Jordan Peele is in the director's chair, we get amazing movies like Get Out and Us. These two movies have amazing stories and the perfect plot twist. Both movies have been received well by critics and the audience and most importantly, they are unforgettable. 

That is the thing about Jordan Peele's movies; somehow they manage to seep into our minds, fascinate us and make us remember them, especially the scenes that bring about a thrilling turn to the stories. 

So when NOPE was announced, who can say they are not excited or even a little bit intrigued?

First, the NOPE poster came out and it showed a cloudy day and what appeared to be a shape of a spaceship. 

Could it be that this movie may be more sci-fi than horror? 

Get Out did have some sci-fi themes where hypnosis was concerned. Us had sci-fi elements too. But these elements were more in the background and the horror elements were given more prominence.

NOPE had a teaser and again the insinuation was pretty strong that the movie may be about aliens attacking a tiny town that is in the middle of nowhere. 

I mean, scientific experiments are thought to be conducted in deserts where no one can keep an eye on anything illegal going on. 

The trailer comes along and heavily hints at people looking up and, no, no, no. 

There's a blast of wind and everything is going haywire. 

So is this it? Aliens? Has Jordan Peele finally decided to give up a major clue as to what the movie is about? We do see a spaceship as well in the trailer, although it is a bit unremarkable.

We've seen movies and cartoons where spaceships have been heavily embellished with lights and don’t have a string of ribbons on them. 

After watching the trailer, several fans have been making guesses about the true premise of the movie. Jordan Peele's movies have always surprised us; he couldn't have changed his methods too soon, now could he? 

Many people believe NOPE to be an acronym for Not Of Planet Earth. The word NOPE is written in capital letters after all. 

Then there are theories of the movie being similar to another great sci-fi-themed horror movie: Cabin in the Woods. 

In that movie, the five people who take shelter during an apocalypse are unsuspecting victims of an experiment conducted by the government. The twist was that the government workers were using the five to perform a ritual and offer them as sacrifices to save humanity. 

In the end, the survivors decide that humanity is not worth saving and lets the world get destroyed. 

Could NOPE be following a similar pattern? 

Could the townspeople be unsuspecting subjects of an experiment? Could it all be a part of a simulation so that the government can test how people would react to an alien invasion?

NOPE could be an acronym for the name of a scientific experiment. 

NOPE could mean Neurological, Ocular, People Experiment? 

Or Next Order of People Evolution? 

Or...Never Over-Analyze Peele's Expertise (in movies).

We will find out what the movie is truly about on July 22nd/August 12th. Depends where you live.

Check out my post on GET OUT 

Check out my post on US


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