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First Impressions-- Orphan: First Kill


There's something wrong with Esther. 

The tagline of the movie Orphan generated a lot of curiosity as to what exactly could be wrong with a young girl. 

Released in 2009, Orphan had a surprise twist towards the end where we finally learn what is wrong with Esther.

Turns out it wasn't demonic possession. And no, the movie wasn't like The Bad Seed. 

Esther wasn't a little girl but an adult woman who suffered from an ailment that stunted her growth. She was 33 years old and a psychotic killer. 

The family who adopted her learns too late of her true intentions. However, the mother manages to get the best of Esther in the end and she supposedly dies.

When have serial killers in horror movies actually died? 

Orphan was a surprise hit and although some of the critics gave it negative reviews, the movie found fans globally. It's popularity was enough for another part of Orphan to be made.

And so here it is, Orphan: First Kill. 

The movie is a prequel to Orphan and shows us Esther's journey as she makes it to the family in Orphan.

Now the actress who played Esther in Orphan was actually a little girl at that time. Isabelle Fuhrman was a twelve year old girl at that time and so looked perfect for the role. 

Now that the actress is actually 25 years old could she successfully play a psychotic woman with a medical disorder?

The actress claims that no special effects or camera tricks were involved in her looking like a 9 year old girl. 

The results are obvious in the trailer. 

While Esther doesn't look like the deceptive innocent looking girl she did in Orphan, she does her best with her facial expressions that can make anyone feel nervous.

In the trailer, we see Julia Stiles as a mother who lost her daughter. 

When she is told her daughter is found, she readily accepts the girl into her family. 

But we know who she is. We know she is Esther and she is actually a grown woman. 

Soon enough there are people who become convinced Esther isn’t who she is claiming to be, including the mother but of course the rest of her family doesn't, including the husband.

Based on Esther's mind frame and her intentions we saw in Orphan, we know she has deigns on the man of the family. 

Oh, and she still loves to paint with those creepy colors that are only visible in blue light.

The trailer looks promising and of course the actors have done a terrific job with their roles. 

But story-wise, can we expect any surprise twists?

In Orphan, we learn that Esther had murdered the previous family who had adopted her. She has also escaped from an institute in Estonia which is why she wears ribbons around her neck and wrists. 

So obviously, the family in the trailer is the one who is going to die, right? 

We certainly see a house go up in flames in the trailer.

Esther is obviously going to play the survivor since in Orphan she was found in an orphanage.

There's always been something wrong with Esther. 

We are going to find out how far Esther is going to go this time.

The movie releases on August 19th.


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