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Weekly Horror News: Chucky Season 2 gets a trailer. Sarah Michelle Gellar to star in spin-off of Teen Wolf.


Get ready to play! Or...pray?

Chucky is back but he’s not the only one we are going to see. As previously mentioned, Chucky’s child will also make an appearance. 

In the trailer that dropped recently, we only see the backs of the children whom Tiffany welcomes into a rather large mansion. Now, just what is Tiffany up to? She sure is dressed to the nines. 

On the other side, we see Jake, Devon and Lexy wearing school uniforms and then a nun. Clearly, the kids have transferred to another school but that isn’t going to stop Chucky from coming after them, is it? 

As luck would have it, Chucky comes over to meet a nun who ends up getting a heart attack after he says “Wanna Pray?” Chucky then gleefully adds that he is thankful that just looking at him has given the nun a heart attack. 

It bears noting that Chucky looks a bit odd from the previous season. Different special effects, or does something happen to Chucky? 

The second season will premiere on October 5th. 

Can’t wait! 

In other news…

Sarah Michelle Gellar returns to the supernatural world in a new TV series called Wolf Pack. The show serves as a spin-off to the cult classic show Teen Wolf. 

Sarah Michelle Gellar plays Kristin Ramsay, an arson investigator who is given the responsibility of a case involving an arsonist behind the wildfires in California. The wildfires has unfortunately awakened a supernatural predator that is going to terrorize the city. 

But it is up to the teens in the city to solve the mystery and find the connection they have to this supernatural creature. 

The show also stars Bella Shepard and Armani Jackson. 

The premiere is set for sometime later this year. 


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