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Horror Weekly News: The Black Phone may get a sequel. More Actors join the Yellowjackets cast.


Following the success of The Black Phone, the one question that everyone asked was, is there going to be a sequel? 

More importantly, can there be a sequel? 

When we last saw Finney, he had managed to escape from the Grabber by using the dead children’s advice. We did see him defeat the Grabber. 

So what can we expect in the sequel? The story was all sorted out, wasn’t it? 

Turns out, the author of the story, Joe Hill, has come up with an idea for the sequel that he has already discussed with director Scott Derrickson. And Scott Derrickson loved that idea. 

So yes, we may just see a sequel. Or perhaps a prequel? 

Most movies that show the villain dies in the end, come up with a second part, a prequel, to show the villain's origins. We may just see how the Grabber came to be. 

Or maybe this once we may see an actual sequel. The Black Phone could be resurrected, and found in a yard sale. This time the phone won’t be used by dead children but by The Grabber himself. 

He could quite possibly haunt children from beyond the grave via a black phone. 

That is one theory anyway. 

In other news…

Popular TV series Yellowjackets has been renewed for a second season. No surprise there considering the show’s brilliant cast and thrilling storyline. The production for the show started in August 2022 and filming is expected to wrap up in February. 

That means the show would get a release next year. 

The latest to join the cast is Lauren Ambrose who will play adult Van and Simone Kessel as adult Lottie. 

Both Lottie and Van were embroiled in some serious dark rites when we saw them last in season one so we can only expect the adult versions to be just as sinister. 

And then joining the cast is Elijah Wood who will play a detective who will challenge Misty in ways she won’t see coming. At least that is how his role was described. 

Misty is pretty cunning and manipulative. Can Elijah Wood’s character really get the best of her? Or will he fall for Misty in the classic enemies to lovers scenario? 

We will get our answers in the new season next year. 


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