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Horror Weekly News: A Horror Summer Camp Movie. The trailer for Barbarian drops.


Who’s up for a campy horror movie? Er…A camping horror movie?

It’s been a while since there was a decent horror movie that centralized on summer camps. Not all camping movies could pull off Sleepaway Camp or Friday the 13th. But you never know when one camping horror movie may turn out to be a sleeper hit. 

So here’s another one: FINAL SUMMER. 

The movie trailer doesn’t reveal much, not even a single piece of dialogue. All we get is that something tragic happened some time ago and now Camp Silverlake is opening for one final time. 

Could it be because it is going to open one final time because all the camp counselors are going to be murdered and there aren’t going to be any survivors for next summer? 

Is it even safe to be a camp counselor anymore? 

As luck would have it, the camp experience is ruined when a masked killer decides to off everyone. Is it a deranged killer? Is the killer looking for revenge? Will the killer have a cool villain name? 

All will be disclosed when the movie releases sometime in October 2022, just around Halloween I suppose. 

Check out the teaser till then: 


 In other news…

Bill Skarsgard stars in a new horror thriller movie titled ‘Barbarian’. 

In the trailer we see a woman walk to a house on a rainy night. She thinks she’s booked the house but is surprised to find a man already living there claiming to have a booking too. 

Realizing the house may be double-booked, and after much hesitance, the woman agrees to spend the night. Bill’s character was courteous enough to give her the room while he sleeps on the sofa. 

She does take a look at his ID to make sure he is who he claims to be. He is by the looks of the ID. 

In the middle of the night, she awakens to some voices, goes to the basement and that’s when she realizes she’s not living in a house but a nightmare. 

The house not only has a creepy basement but tunnels too! 

Does the woman get to run? Well before she can contemplate, Bill’s character comes crawling over to her asking for help. We also see a blink and miss scene with Justin Long in it and he looks terrified too. 

Just who is the Barbarian? 

The movie also stars Richard Brake and he is known to play villainous characters. 

But then there’s Bill Skarsgard…what are the chances he’s behind it all? 

The movie releases on September 9th, 2022. 

Check out the trailer till then:


  1. Thanks for sharing this wonderful article. Last time my kids are went to the portland maine summer camps and they enjoy and learned many things!

  2. Thanks for sharing this wonderful article. Last time my kids are went to the Sleep away Camp and they enjoy and learned many things

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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