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Short Horror Film: Don't Look In the Mirror--Review with Ending spoilers!

 PLOT SUMMARY:  A young woman comes across a mirror on the street that changes her life.

Has anyone been able to resist looking into the mirror? Every time you pass a mirror, whether at home or in the mall, or in a hotel, have you thought, "you know what, I'm just not going to see what I look like right now. I'm not going to see whether my shirt is tucked in or not, or I have something on my face after eating that sloppy sandwich, or if my hair is still in place."

There's this urge to look perfect at all times and what better than a mirror to tell us exactly what we look like. Of course, this is figurative.

Won't it be creepy if a mirror starts to talk and tell us what we look like?


Lauren is walking down the street when she sees a covered mirror being given away for free.

Plus, the mirror has already whispered to her to take it home.

Lauren puts up the mirror at her home but it beckons her. She sits down, begins brushing her hair while the mirror keeps telling her how beautiful she is.

Mesmerized by her reflection, she has no idea whether it is night or day. She forgets to eat and drink or even attend her calls.

Her mother comes in the next morning and tries to get Lauren to talk. Lauren is still in a trance. Her mother covers the mirror with a blanket and Lauren finally snaps back to reality.

Her mother complains about receiving no replies to her texts. Lauren has no idea what she is talking about.

The blanket slips off and Lauren and her mother are under a trance once again.

Both mother and daughter begin combing their hair while the mirror cheers them on for being so beautiful.

Eventually we see them both have passed away after having done nothing but make their hair shiny after combing it so much.

The story sends chills down your spine. It is so easy to get lost in yourself and become obsessed with how you look. This aspect was used to create a frightening story of how self-obsession can have dire results.

Of course, in this case, it was the mirror that had its hold on the mother and daughter.

Definitely a must-watch.

Scare Scale: 


  1. Short horror film 'Don't Look in the Mirror' delivers spine-tingling suspense and an eerie reflection of fear.


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