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Horror Weekly News: X gets a sequel. Trailer for Mr Harrigan's Phone arrives.


We’re not done with the X universe just yet. In March, when the movie X was released, we were told that the prequel PEARL had been shot in secret back to back. 

Now right before PEARL was about to release, it was announced that A24 studios has greenlit a sequel to X titled Maxxxine

When we last saw Maxine, she had traveled with her friends to a farm owned by an elderly couple, to shoot an adult movie. When they meet the elderly couple, Howard and Pearl, they are unaware that the harmless looking owners actually have violent tendencies. 

Towards the end, Maxine is the lone survivor. She manages to steal Howard’s truck and drive over Pearl twice, killing her. 

The sequel, Maxxxine will take place a couple of years from the events in X. Maxine has made it to Los Angeles and based on the number of Xs in the title, it seems she has become a popular star in the industry. 

But this is a sequel to X, and so no doubt a slasher movie. Either Maxine will have to face an obsessed fan or she herself may have developed violent tendencies after killing Pearl. 

We will know for sure when the movie releases. So far Maxxxine is rumored to release early next year. 

Here’s the teaser for the movie: 


 In other news…

Following the success of Joe Hill’s The Black Phone, it is now time for Stephen King to bring new terror through the phone. 

Featured in IF IT BLEEDS, Stephen King’s short story MR HARRIGAN’S PHONE has been adapted for the screen. 

The movie is about a boy called Craig who befriends an elderly man called Mr. Harrigan. Following the older man’s death, Craig misses him especially after he is beaten up by a bully. 

But Mr. Harrigan is a true friend, even after death. Shortly after Craig makes a call to Mr. Harrigan’s phone just to hear his voice in his voicemail, Craig’s bully is found dead. 

Craig is horrified to discover that his friend may be there for him even after his death. 

The movie stars Jaeden Martell and Donald Sutherland in lead roles. 

Mr. Harrigan’s Phone will release on October 5th on Netflix. 

Watch the trailer here: 


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