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First Impressions: M3GAN

 Who doesn’t want a friend till the end of time? A friend who will always be there for you. A friend who will stand up for you. 

Now imagine finding all those qualities in a doll?

No, not the Good Guy doll. The doll was possessed by Charles Lee Ray aka Chucky, through voodoo. 

No, not a rag doll who was possessed by a demon but everyone thought was a woman called Annabelle and named her thus. 

There’s a new doll in town, ready to bring a fresh batch of terror. 

Meet M3GAN, a robotic doll with killer dance moves. No one can quite dance like M3GAN. Forget beating up people and freaking them out, M3GAN can win all dance competitions with those moves. 

But M3GAN is also psychotic and can be pretty possessive, especially when it comes to Katie. 

Katie is a little girl who has just lost her parents and her charge is given to Gemma who is her aunt. 

Gemma is a robotics engineer and reluctant to take on the responsibilities of a little girl considering she can’t even keep her plants alive (her words). 

But she has an easy solution to her problems-- use one of the robots she has been working on, as a companion for Katie. 

Everything seems fine at first, Katie even bonds with the robot called M3GAN (short for Model 3 Generative Android) instantly. The robot becomes part of the family. 

But what Gemma doesn’t count on is how overly protective the robot doll becomes of her niece. 

When Katie is bullied, M3GAN makes sure the bully never sees another day again. She doesn’t let Gemma discipline Katie either. Uh-oh. That plan backfired. 

It’s not like we’ve ever seen robots and gadgets turn against the controller, have we? 

M3GAN takes down anyone who dares to even think of separating her from Katie, even if it means she has to go after Gemma. 

Will she succeed? 

Chances are she won’t. There must be a switch somewhere to turn the whole thing off, right? Or remove the battery? 

Also, I suspect M3GAN will get a sequel. She will probably make copies of her programming before she is defeated. After all, killer dolls always come back. 

The trailer for M3GAN dropped this week. 

The movie stars Allison Williams, Violet McGraw, Jenna Davis and Amie Donald. 

It is produced by Jason Blum and James Wan. 

M3GAN releases on January 13th, 2023. 

Listen to the Original Soundtrack from the Movie


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