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Horror Weekly News: Five Nights at Freddy's Movie announced. Santa turns killer in Violent Night


At last.

After waiting years for a FNAF movie, it is finally happening. For the uninitiated, FNaF stands for the popular videogame Five Nights at Freddy's released in 2014.

The game achieved immense popularity and critical success.

FNaF was about a man getting a job to work as a security officer at a pizzeria called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

One night he receives a call from a man who gives him a brief but troubling history about the pizzeria. Turns out that in an incident, a man had lured and killed five children there and then stuffed them into the animatronics.

Rumor has it that the animatronics come to life at night and should they find a human then, they will stuff them into the spare Freddy Fazbear mechanical costume that ends up killing the person.

The man must survive the five nights but by the fourth night the man who has been calling on the phone appears to have been killed as per the abrupt message.

At the end of the game, the new employee is fired.

It was noted that when Nicholas Cage's WILLY'S WONDERLAND was released in 2021, the audience was quick to compare it to the FNaF game although it was obviously not adapted from it.

For now, nothing else about the movie adaptation of FNaF has been revealed except for the fact that it will be a Blumhouse production and that it will release sometime in 2023.

In other news...

Halloween may still be a few weeks away but already we have a new movie coming up for Christmas.

This time criminals beware. It's not Krampus who is going to punish them. It is Santa himself.

Yes, Santa is bringing this year's Season's beatings. No, really. That is a phrase you will get to hear in the movie as per the trailer.

The story is about a group of criminals breaking into an affluent family's house. The little girl has got a present, a walkie-talkie that her father tells her will directly connect her to Santa.

So when the criminals hold the family at gunpoint, the little girl calls Santa and of course he's there.

But don't be deceived by his white beard and colorful dress. He's not the kind of Santa that munches on cookies and milk. He does have cookies but with alcohol.

He has a nice list and naughty list and he does give the naughty people a lump of coal...right on their face.

Toward the end of the trailer, we see Santa covered in blood and armed with a shotgun.

This is going to be one violent Christmas.

VIOLENT NIGHT releases on 2nd December. The movie stars David Harbour and John Leguizamo.

Watch the trailer:


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