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Horror Weekly News: Headless Horseman Trailer drops. Twister gets a sequel.


Have you heard about the legend of the Headless Horseman? 

Legend states that the headless horseman was once a soldier and decapitated in battle. In some legends, he is depicted without a head, in some he carries his head under his arm. Google it and you will find the headless horseman waving a flaming pumpkin head like a flag. 

The legend was featured in the movie Sleepy Hollow. 

Do you remember the movie Ghost Rider? 

Nicholas Cage played the titular character in the movie. In the 2007 movie, motorcycle rider Johnny Blaze sells his soul to the devil. He then transforms in this motorcycle rider with a flaming skull and the power of his penance stare. 

If you ever wondered what it would look like to have a mashup of both movies, look no further. 

A new movie called the HEADLESS HORSEMAN has come out that is about a man called Brandon making a deal with the devil so that he could return to the love of his life, Sophia. Oh, and he also wants to take revenge on the people who tried to kill him but didn’t manage their job properly and ended up with leaving Brandon half-dead and able to make deals with devils. 

The trailer shows some bizarre effects, and what should have been a cool action scene but is actually a comedy scene of the Headless Horseman tossing his flaming pumpkin head at a bad guy. 

As if that isn’t enough, Brandon must also feed on blood to keep himself alive, so yes, there’s some vampirism thrown into the mix as well. 

The movie stars Nic Caruccio, Amanda Jones, and Ethan Daniel Corbett. 



 In other news… 

Remember the movie TWISTER? 

In 1996, a movie starring Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton was released that was titled TWISTER. 

The movie was about two storm chasers who get caught up in a tornado. For drama, the two actors played a couple who was about to divorce but the tornado brings them both together. 

For years, there was going to be a sequel, but nothing worked out. Now, the sequel is finally happening. 

Although Helen Hunt’s idea to co-write and direct the movie was initially rejected, the producers of the sequel are trying to get her to join the movie. 

So far the movie has no director although the premise is about Helen Hunt’s character, Jo, having a daughter who is obsessed with chasing storms just like her parents. 

The movie will begin filming next year. 


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