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WITHERED-- Short Horror Film Review with Spoilers!

 There’s nothing more relaxing than doing a bit of gardening, planting a few flowers, and then watching them all grow. 

But then you dig up the soil, and guess what? You find a box of something that doesn’t belong to you. Should you open it? Well, of course, curiosity trumps everything. Chances are that what you may find some trinkets or letters or something else the previous owners clearly didn’t care enough to take with them. 

In a horror movie, though, what you may find won’t be harmless. 


A man is having a fun day of gardening when he digs up a hole and finds a box that somehow has remained intact all these years. 

He opens it to find a photo frame of a woman who looks super cheerful in a dress. He closes the double frames and behind it, sees a message scrawled: I WANT TO BE FREE. 

The man doesn’t pay much attention to it. When he sees a dress in the box, his eyes light up. Now he doesn’t need to shop for his girlfriend. Free dress! 

He sets up the trail of roses leading up to a dressmakers mannequin. Perhaps his girlfriend is a fashion designer? He dresses up the mannequin with the free white dress and calls up his girlfriend. 

What he doesn’t know is that a trail of dried up vines have climbed over the dress. 

When he returns, the man is surprised to find that all the roses he had set up have turned black and dried up. He inches closer to the mannequin and it moves. Startled, he falls over and watches the mannequin come to life. 

He is frightened by the woman he sees and closes the door. As he tries to comprehend what is happening, a note is pushed from under the door. 


The man is now regretting opening the box and being tempted by a dress. He hears someone behind him but of course no one is there. The room is empty too when the door opens. 

So where is she? 

Right behind him!

She strangles him and the man immediately turns black and white…withered. 

Later, his girlfriend calls, but the man is no longer there to answer it. He is seen lying on the floor, a vine wrapped around his neck. 

The movie has been beautifully shot and the horror scenes are actually creepy. The actors have done justice to their roles as well. 

Watch this chilling movie on Buried Hatchet Productions’ YouTube channel. 


  1. Director Vincent Dormani here! Thank you so much for reviewing my film, I’m glad it resonated with you and you enjoyed!


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