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An Interview with Joanne Baron from Halloween Ends

 One of this year's most trending and eagerly awaited horror movies was HALLOWEEN ENDS.

Touted as the movie that would feature the final showdown between Laurie and Michael, upon release, the movie received mixed reviews from critics. However, Halloween Ends topped the box office and received a decent opening. 

While the movie saw several characters return, joining the franchise is actress Joanne Baron who plays Joan, Corey’s mother in the movie. 

I got the opportunity to interview her and here’s what she had to say about the movie. 

1) The Halloween franchise has come to an end with Halloween Ends. How did it feel to be part of this franchise that has such a cult following?

It was incredible to realize the scope and impact of this franchise. At first I didn't know the actual name of the film but once I knew it was Halloween Ends and realized the level of cult following, I was blown away. I was additionally knocked out realizing the very last scene Jamie Lee Curtis ever would shoot of the franchise was between me as Corey Cunningham’s mom and her as the protective grandmother on a mission to stop her granddaughter from being hurt by my son. Producer Jason Blum and his company Blumhouse are legendary and to be part of this legacy is a career highlight!


2) What was your reaction when you read the script?

I first only got the part ( sides ) of the script I was in and the scenes were funny and touching and scary as heck.

When I got the script I think it had a different name with no attachments to actors included so maybe at first I didn’t know it was Halloween Ends, but the script was audacious and bold and inventive and psychologically insightful. I loved it.

I thought the role of Joan was terrific and had many fascinating levels. She was an odd memorable character and it was a wonderful acting opportunity to be challenged by and have a range of play with. The breakdown for the audition literally said they wanted to cast someone who would steal every scene they were in and I was delighted that a review actually said that the character stole every scene she was in!


3) Which scene did you enjoy performing? Did it make it into the final cut?

A few scenes that I loved aren’t in the cut but the brilliant director David Gordon Green was visionary on what and how he wanted the impact of the Joan character to be in the film so she did have a toxic haunting quality that was compared to Michael Myers himself and the terrific mother in Carrie played by the amazing Piper Laurie who I coincidentally actually did an Irish movie with playing her daughter. 

Scenes I loved were a scene where I go to my son’s room after reprimanding him and lovingly give him his favorite dessert , another I act seductively in a funny way with my disinterred husband, and there is a long physical wild fight scene with my killer where my final words at my death are stunning and so sad. And there was a longer version of the scene with Jamie Lee Curtis that ranged from quiet and tearful to angry and vengeful. I loved these.


4) Is it true that your first scene of the shoot was Jamie Lee Curtis’ last scene in the movie? How did it feel being part of that moment?

It is true. I am glad I didn’t know that because that would have been a lot of pressure. In fact when it was over and we walked out of the house we were shooting in I asked David if it was Jamie’s birthday cause so many people were standing outside taking pictures! Now that I know it was her final scene of the epic franchise, I am blown away and honored!


5) Did you perform your own stunts in the movie?

I did the most fun fight scene and it was absolutely fantastic! They had a stunt gal for the most violent part of the scene with breaking glass, but otherwise the Director and AD were on set with me, splashing blood on me as I was fighting for my life with a pillow with all it’s stuffing flying around the room and actually punching and kicking and screaming and singing for my life.


6) How would you describe your character Joan? Would you describe her as an overprotective or overbearing mother towards Corey?

Well many say Joan is overprotective and overbearing, but I saw her as the haunted reflection of a town in shock from the horror of Michael Myers. I saw her as a victim too, of her son’s ruined life created by the babysitting death that opens the film. She is filled with fear and pain and her very last words in the script show her heart as pure.


7) How was your interaction with the cast and crew of the movie?

The cast and crew were incredible. It was a team of the greatest people. David Gordon Green is a brilliant totally fun playful creative who makes work a joy. Michael Simmonds the cinematographer and the AD were absolutely the same. The crew was so skilled and everything went so well because of them. Costumes, hair, makeup, everyone, it was an incredible team. I think some of the fantastic crew were from my favorite show The Righteous Gemstones. Danny McBride and David Gordon Green write and produce that too.


8) Please share any behind-the-scenes moments that the fans would like to know.

The character of Joan has scenes and moments that might show up in a bonus cut and they might change some people’s understanding and experience of the character.


9) What was your reaction to the response Halloween Ends received?

I didn’t realize the film would be less expected and in cases less accepted in the way it was told. But I am very proud that David Gordon Green, Danny McBride, and Paul Brad Logan boldly chose a path to tell their unique, more intimate vision and version of Halloween Ends and that I was part of that. I saw the controversy the film ignited and realized they had approached it as artists despite their knowledge it would get pushback.


10) Lastly, please tell us about your forthcoming movies. Is it true that there is going to be a movie based on your life story?

Yes, I wrote my life story, Pawtucket, about an accomplished woman returning to her hometown after her father's death only to discover she’s not the person she thought she was. It’s funny and moving and all true and I can’t wait to shoot it. The actors who’ve read it love it and we’ve got a terrific cast and director who is the same director who made the Piper Laurie film with me, St Patrick’s Day. Can’t wait to share it with the world!

HALLOWEEN ENDS will be released on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and DVD on December 27. It will also be available to own on Digital on November 15th. 

You will also get to see bonus content such as gag reels, and deleted scenes. 

Photos provided by Susan D. Gordon

Susan Gordon Public Relations


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