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Horror Weekly News: Sequel to Searching coming soon. From director of Annabelle, here comes Lullaby.


From the makers who brought you the dramatic thriller SEARCHING, here comes another mystery with plenty of twists. 

Titled MISSING, the movie is about a girl called June whose mother disappears when she goes on a trip to Colombia with her boyfriend Kevin. June uses this opportunity to party and on the day when she has to pick up her mother from the airport, she is shocked to discover that she hasn’t arrived. 

She tries to call her mother and in desperation, seeks help from the authorities. But of course, no one can help her considering she didn’t go missing in the US but in Colombia. 

As June resorts to investigating on her own, she unearths secrets not only about Kevin but also about her mother. Turns out her mother was never who she thought she was. 

Can June find her mother? Just why has her mother been hiding so many secrets from her? 

The answers will be revealed on January 20th. 

The movie stars Storm Reid and Nia Long. 



 In other news…

Over the past few years, we’ve been introduced to the mythology of Lilith who was said to be a demon. 

Except she wasn’t always a demon. She was considered to be the First Man, Adam’s wife. The reason Lilith’s name is not taken anymore is that she left Adam after she refused to do his bidding. 

In some versions, Lilith had an affair with another demon and so bore hundreds of children. She hid in a cave. When Lilith refused to come back to Adam, God sent three of his angels to do the deed. But Lilith refused to go with them. 

Angered, the angels killed her children. When Lilith gave birth to more, the angels killed them again. 

Lilith was naturally furious and so decided to take revenge. 

And hence the superstition was born. It is said that whenever a baby is born, Lilith comes to take its life away. Stillbirths are blamed on her. She despises male children more and so it is said that until the male child is protected through prayers or by an amulet that has the angels names, Lilith will come for it and take its life away. 

While the male child has seven days to escape, the girl child has a couple of weeks before Lilith will come and take her away. 

Thus began the horror tales about Lilith and her obsession with babies. 

A new movie coming out in December, titled LULLABY is about such a tale. We see a mother with her newborn who finds a lullaby. At first, she thinks the lullaby is a blessing. But soon, she realizes that the lullaby has beckoned Lilith to her. 

The family is haunted by terrifying visions and realizes that Lilith will do whatever it takes to take their son away. 

Will she succeed?

The movie will release on December 16th. It stars Oona Chaplin and R Austin Ball, and is directed by John R. Leonetti. 



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