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Laura Hasn't Slept-- My take on the short horror film with spoilers!

 Laura hasn’t slept and it is a good thing she doesn’t. It turns out that her nightmares are real. 

Following the trend of short horror films turning to feature lengths, we have another movie that has proven to be a box office hit. 

One of this year’s top-grossing horror movies was SMILE which was based on the short horror film LAURA HASN’T SLEPT

LAURA HASN’T SLEPT Plot with Spoilers!

Written and directed by Parker Finn, the short horror film is about a woman called Laura who is on the verge of a breakdown as she goes to see her therapist, Dr. Parsons. 

She asks for a cup of coffee but before it can arrive, she lets her therapist know that she hasn’t slept well. The coffee is immediately cancelled. 

Laura tells the doctor about her nightmare in which she sees a man following her. The man is different in every nightmare but she knows with absolute certainty that it is him. She feels like he is wearing a mask and wants to show her his true face. Laura also knows that the minute she does see his face, she will die. 

The therapist appears to doubt her but she desperately tries to convince him about this man in her dream that has a creepy way of calling out to her. 

The therapist then asks Laura a question: Just how did she find him? How did she know to come here? 

Laura is taken aback. 

That is when the walls crumble around her. She is trapped in a nightmare. The therapist smiles at her, looking smug. 

His eyes go over to reveal only the whites. He wants Laura to look at him. 

Laura covers her eyes while also trying to wake herself up. Is she truly having a nightmare or has she been trapped by the demon?

The therapist tears off his skin. 

Laura tries to run for the door and finds only a wall. She hears the therapist call out to her. He then removes the rest of his skin and calls out to her again. 

In that creepy voice that sounds inhuman. 

She looks out the window and sees a network of black strings and blue lights. 

She doesn’t know how to escape and the tension is palpable on her face and body language. 

She turns and the therapist reveals itself. 

Laura screams and pushes back against the wall. She tears off her face. 

The movie ends. 

Those who have seen the movie SMILE by now, will enjoy the origin of how the movie came about. 

I bet it is the therapist’s creepy smile that caused the filmmakers to change the title of the movie to SMILE. Pretty fitting considering the demon gives such an unsettling smile. 

The best part is that the smile doesn’t have need special effects. It is all plain acting. 

Of course Caitlin Stasey does a good job as the sleep-deprived and paranoid Laura. Although sometimes it does go a little over when she is explaining her distress to the therapist. 

After that it is the actress who puts the fear in us more than whatever is going on in the background. 

In the movie SMILE, she did an incredible job as well as adeptly managed that unsettling smile that passes on curses. 

LAURA HASN’T SLEPT can be found online as well as on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and DVD which will release on December 13th

Scare Scale: 4/5


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