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Welcome to Derry

  Image by Peace,love,happiness from Pixabay 

 Your worst fears can come true should you ever have a run-in with IT. 

That’s what this thing, this fearsome entity is called-- IT. 

IT is thought to take any form and any shape. IT can play with your mind and make the thing that you fear the most, come alive. 

That is what makes this creature so frightening. This creature possesses the knowledge and the intuition to take the form of anyone’s deepest fear and defeat them. 

The Origins of IT

IT was a creature that has been inhabiting Earth for a very long time. The creature is thought to come from space and has been laying underground, waiting for its next meal. 

Unlike certain creatures that prey on anyone, IT likes to play with its food first. IT likes to instill fear into its victim and only then does it kill it. 

So what does IT look like? 

IT is basically the kind of organism humans cannot comprehend and so it takes different forms. One of its forms is thought to be a giant, furry spider. 

IT also seems to call itself Robert Gray. 

Most commonly, and popularly, IT takes the form of Pennywise the Dancing Clown. 

Whether he does it because kids get attracted to clowns or immediately fear them is ambiguous. 

Given the incidents that occur in the book, it is safe to say that IT takes the form of Pennywise because kids in that town do fear clowns. Even more so when they are beckoned to the sewers. 


IT, written by Stephen King, was a novel published in 1986. The novel was divided into two timelines. 

Between the years of 1957 and 1958, a couple of kids form the Losers Club who make it their mission to defeat the evil clown, Pennywise, who has been terrorizing their town. 

IT manifests into each of their deepest fears, making it difficult for the Losers Club to defeat the creature. Eventually, they realize that their unity can help bring down IT. 

But all they manage to do is send it away. 

IT slumbers away for around 30 years before it awakens again. 

Between 1984 and 1985, the Losers Club regrouped when the killings in their hometown, Derry, occur again. The Losers realize that the only way to truly defeat IT is by conquering their fears. Of course they also have to find and rip its heart out. 

But is IT truly dead? 

IT returns again. 

A sequel to IT may be difficult to create considering Stephen King has stated that he has no intentions of bringing the creature back. However, he has also dropped a few hints here and there in his other novels where characters glimpse a clown in a silver suit. 

So while there isn’t going to be a sequel, there is going to be a prequel. 

Have you ever wondered why IT chose Derry as its home? Why it chose to be Pennywise the Dancing Clown?

All these questions will be answered in the prequel WELCOME TO DERRY. 

The series is described as demented and terrifying. The show will premiere sometime in 2023 on HBO Max. 


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