Ash and Bone(2022)-- My take on the movie with spoilers!

 Plot: Trying to get his daughter and new wife to bond, Lucas heads out to the countryside. However, when his daughter Cassie trespasses into a house, the whole family is put in danger.

Teenagers in horror movies are usually temperamental, mostly into goth, and care little for their family until a terrible incident sets not only the movie in motion but also makes the teenager realize there is nothing more important than family.

Ash and Bone follows the same route.

However, despite the usual horror tropes, the movie does not skimp on the thrills. For the squeamish audience, this movie is a safe watch considering the violence is never exaggerated or graphic.


In the first scene, a woman is seen running about in fear in the middle of the night on an abandoned road.

In the next instant, a truck stops, the driver gets out and murders her with an axe. The tone of the movie is set.

Next we see a family in a car. It's not a happy road trip and the tension among the three is palpable.

Lucas has married Sarah, and Cassie is clearly not into her new stepmother. Of course, some fairytales have ruined the reputation of stepmothers, so Cassie obviously is biased.

She is also into goth and super moody. When they stop at a diner, she is rude to the waitress and gives out the impression that she knows she isn't going to like any food from a diner.

Her parents reprimand her but she rolls her eyes and crosses her arms so that is the end of all discussions regarding her rude behavior.

They finally arrive at Lucas' brother's house and quickly establish that there is no cell service. Now you know they can't contact anyone for help when something bad happens. No posting on social media either.

Cassie is on her worst behavior despite this being a bonding trip. She argues and eventually goes off with Lucas' car.

She goes to a bar and uses a fake ID. A guy picks on her and she takes out a knife. Behind her, two patrons, Tucker and Anna also stand up for her. The guy goes away. Cassie joins the two customers and thanks them. She then mopes about this being a boring old town and since she's a goth, she wants to go explore some cemeteries and other creepy places.

Tucker and Anna tell her of the Mckinley house where weird things going on and the inhabitants are siblings Clete and May. There are several missing people in the area too.

Cassie tells them she is going and Tucker and Anna tell her they are joining her since they clearly can't let her go alone. They've either sensed that she is too young or are curious themselves.

Once in the house, they find terrifying movies of people being tortured, the very ones who have gone missing. Cassie even finds a body.

The owners of the house, May and Clete, return. The trio barely make it out but they are shot at.

Cassie considers calling the police but is discouraged because chances are the police may be of no help. After all, it is a small town and when people go missing, wouldn't the police visit the one house everyone talks about avoiding?

Soon enough, Tucker and Anna are disposed off and before they do, Cassie's name is given.

Cassie, meanwhile, is in touch with her friend Tina who Lucas considers a bad influence. Cassie pretty much tells him to mind his own business and give up trying to discipline her because she simply doesn't care. She also tells Lucas that Tina has been offering flowers to Cassie's mother's grave and hence shouldn't be considered a bad influence. Lucas feels ashamed.

He may believe Cassie is indisciplined but Tina has been giving flowers to his dead wife's grave. Lucas still wants to get in a word but Sarah tells him to stay back as Cassie storms off into the woods. Of course she gets lost since she's the new girl in town.

Sarah has issues with Lucas keeping a gun in the house. He tells her it is because he found a bullet hole in the car and the sheriff had suggested he get a gun.

Later, the sheriff questions Cassie about her newfound friends who disappeared.

ASH AND BONE Ending Explained with Spoilers!

By the time Cassie reaches home, May and Clete are already there. Sarah is tied to a chair, and Lucas is experiencing his own horror with May.

May is sick of Clete having all the fun with his victims, and so tells her brother it is her turn. She has her way with Lucas while Sarah and Cassie overhear.

Outside, the sheriff meets with Clete and coming as no surprise, he is in cahoots with him. They are cousins after all. Clete tells the sheriff that it is his fault he has to resort to killing since he won't let him join the force. The sheriff laughs at him and tells Clete he is an idiot. He warns Clete not to pick on families at home. Only runaways, allowed.

Clete doesn't like his cousin mocking him or his suggestions. His axe comes out and the sheriff doesn't survive.

There is a lot of running around when May stabs Sarah and then Lucas. Based on the pool of blood underneath Sarah, it is a wonder she was able to even stand later on.

Cassie tries to shoot with the gun but isn't good at it. She however does practice and finally manages a decent shot.

Then she runs around while Clete grabs Lucas.

He has taken him outside to show him that he is eating the sheriff. In spite of this heavy meal, Clete tells Lucas he is next.

Cassie comes over with another gun and finally shoots Clete.

Cassie saves the day!

Sarah limps out of the house. She's saved! Cassie and Lucas help her and take her to the hospital.

Later they drive back home and Lucas watches Cassie warily as she uses a knife to slice her apple.

She has tasted blood now. Lucas now has to deal with that too.

The movie ends.

ASH AND BONE may seem like yet another version of horror movies like Wrong Turn or The Strangers, but it manages to create its own identity towards the end.

It was an enjoyable movie.

Scare Scale: 

Watch ASH AND BONE on Prime Video


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