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Horror Weekly News: Bambi gets a horror makeover


Before you can utter the words “childhood ruined”, here’s another classic tale that is going to be twisted into a horror tale. 

For those of you who have seen the original, Bambi was a deer who grows up in a forest and befriends a rabbit called Thumper, and a skunk called Flower. 

As he grows up, Bambi faces a threat in the forest called Man, who is a hunter. One day, a hunter shoots and kills Bambi’s mother. Bambi is grief-stricken but his friends help him through this difficult time. His father, who is the Great Prince also takes him in. 

Eventually, Bambi grows up, finds his mate in a doe called Faline, and shelters near a riverbank following a wildfire. 

This coming-of-age tale will now be turned into a horror story. Titled Bambi: The Reckoning, the synopsis reads: Following his mother’s death, Bambi turns into a killing machine. The movie is already filming. 

Expect a lot of blood and violence as this movie will be produced by Scott Jeffrey. 

Scott Jeffrey is the producer for upcoming movies Peter Pan’s Neverland Nightmare as well as Winnie-The-Pooh: Blood and Honey. 

Speaking of Winnie The Pooh, the lovable bear has already been transformed into a psychotic killer in the new trailer. 

The trailer shows Christopher Robin returning to 100 Acre Wood. He is showing off the sights to his girlfriend who immediately feels something is off when she sees Eeyore’s grave. 

Winnie-The-Pooh then makes an appearance and goes for the kill. 

Next up, we see a group of young women having a weekend stay at a house only for Winnie-The-Pooh and Piglet to appear. All they want is blood. The girls are terrified when they see a message in blood on their windows. 

What follows is more killings and the trailer ends with Pooh performing some sort of ritual where he and Piglet are pouring blood and honey into something. 

Let’s see what happens next when the movie releases next year. 


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