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Mob Ghost-- My take on the short horror movie with spoilers!

 Plot: George has a problem. He needs to get rid of a mobster spirit in his home.

In most horror movies, once the owner of the house comes in contact with a house, there is that customary exorcism scene that helps get rid of the demonic ghost.

But have you ever wondered what would happen if the exorcism ever failed? Or if the person performing the exorcism is inept?


George is alone in his apartment, having dinner in front of his TV when he smells pasta. He goes to the kitchen to investigate, only to trip on a chair and experience something horrifying. 

Desperate to rid his apartment of the ghost, he hires a paranormal investigator from Craigslist.

Enter Pete, who was in Ghost Hunters.  Don't worry, in case you forget that fact, Pete will remind you every two minutes. That's the biggest qualification he has on his resume.

Pete tells George that the supernatural entity in his house is Italian crime boss Paulie "The Butcher". The biggest concern is that the ghost hadn't cooked spaghetti, and George hasn't had a decent meal since his wife left him. 

Payment terms are discussed and Pete is ready to work for alcohol and weed. George lets him have all the alcohol in the house and Pete downs it all, including the mouthwash and hand sanitizer.

Sated, Pete gets to work and the first step is to get the ghost to appear. With the help of a book that is so rare but easily found in three days on Amazon, Pete begins the ritual. They have until midnight to summon it and banish it or the ghost haunts the house forever.

The ghost emerges after using the bathroom. He had been holding it for a long time, after all.

Pete freaks out. This is the first time he has seen a ghost. Yeah, he lied about being on Ghost Hunters. It becomes George's job to comfort Pete who is having an anxiety attack and he does so by giving him alcohol.

Pete faints and when Paulie points to a water bottle and George empties it on Pete, he wakes up. Pete admits he is a fraud. George has guessed it at this point.

Pete reads from the book and starts the ritual. The mob ghost is busy munching on a sandwich.

Suddenly, he clutches his chest. It's working! Pete and George are overly excited to see the ghost dying.

But wait...

The mob ghost straightens and chuckles, reminding them that he is already dead. So he can't die again.

George scolds Pete and Paulie comes to his aid by standing up for him. Pete did try everything he could, after all. 

It's already midnight. Pete closes the book and tells George there is only one thing left to do and he isn't going to like it. 

George has to share his bed with the mob ghost now.

The movie ends.

Mob Ghost is more funny than scary, and super fun to watch. What carries this hilarious short forward is the acting skills that are right on point in every scene. 

This is a horror-comedy short film done well. 

Scare Scale: 4/5


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