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The best horror movies I have watched in 2022


I have watched several horror movies this year and while not all of them were not exactly released in 2022, it is what I watched this year. So here's my list of the top 10 horror movies I enjoyed watching. 

1) The Barbarian: This for me was the best horror movie of this year. I loved how the stories were interlocked and the fact that the true Barbarian wasn’t really the monster but rather the barbaric behavior of certain people. 

2) Bhediya: After Stree, I didn’t think Bollywood could do a decent horror-comedy again. There were attempts made that failed in the past. Bhediya manages to pull on your heartstring while it delivers on frightening scenes and comic ones.

3) Fall: I don’t know why this wasn’t put in the horror category. This heart-jumping movie has thrills aplenty but it also scares you…a lot. The cinematography will leave you awestruck and anxious. The actresses did an amazing job keeping the tension going. You’ll get a jittery feeling just thinking about this movie. 

4) Fresh: This is the kind of movie that begins with like a rom-com. And then the twist happens and it feels sort of ridiculous but also scary. Imagine finding someone who seems perfect for you only to find out that person is not at all what they seem. 

5) Studio 666: I had fun watching this. If you are a fan of Foo Fighters, you will enjoy it too. It may not be funny or scary but it sure is memorable because of its story. 

6) Torn Hearts: Another horror movie based on music. But this one cements the fact that maybe it is never a good idea to meet your idol. 

7) Incantation: This movie plays out like a documentary and make you a part of the movie only to betray you towards the end. The movie does well in creating a spooky atmosphere and some of the village scenes are absolutely chilling. 

8) The Black Phone: This movie is an adaptation of a story written by Joe Hill. There’s Ethan Hawke in it and you will wonder why the actor doesn’t do more horror movies since he is so good at it? This captivating thriller will arrest your attention until the very end. 

9) Don’t Worry Darling: Despite the bad press, this was actually a well-made and well-acted movie. You may see the twist coming a mile away but the journey towards it is well worth a watch. 

10) Scream: This is one of those movies you just have to watch. Horror franchises can be compelling and this may not be the best part in the entire franchise but it was nice to see new characters being introduced. And since Neve Campbell will not be returning, it is a fitting sequel. No, wait…requel. The killers were predictable and the kills were not so inventive. But it was a decent movie anyway and of course, I’m going to watch the next part. Because it is Scream and I have watched all the parts so far. 


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