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First Impressions: Scream 6

Plot: Tara and Sam leave Woodsboro to start a new life in New York. But darkness has followed them there.

The first movie title you would think of when talking about slasher movies would be SCREAM.

The nineties brought forth several horror franchises, but the most popular one was SCREAM.

The first four SCREAM movies in the franchise was directed by Wes Craven. When he passed away, the SCREAM franchise still went forward with Tyler Gillett and Matt Bettinelli-Olpin at the helm. 

Think about SCREAM, however, and the first actor that comes to mind is the protagonist Neve Campbell, who played Sidney Prescott.

Unfortunately, she will not be reprising her role as Sidney, and there is speculation that she wasn't getting paid as much as she deserved.

And so the franchise moves forward, and this time, we see Tara and Sam as the main characters who must try to dodge Ghostface.

The last time we saw these characters, they were in Woodsboro being attacked by the people they trusted.

Tara, Sam, Mindy, and Chad have all survived the attacks and left Woodsboro for good. They head to New York to start life anew, but as luck would have it, they are chased by someone in the Ghostface costume again.

Now, who could it be this time? 

The trailer shows the return of Gale, as well as Kirby, a character from SCREAM 4 who survived Ghostface.

We see Sam and Tara rush into a supermarket only to put the poor owner in danger because here comes Ghostface. 

The owner may have dealt with robberies before, which is why he has a shotgun. But this is Ghostface we are talking about, and it doesn't take him long to overpower the shopkeeper and take his gun. 


Off he goes.

Sam and Tara are shown crawling on broken glass but are not as noiseless as they hope to be. Ghostface notices them.

Later, we see Gale in her home, who is nonplussed by the call she receives. It's the tenth time she has received this call, so yeah, she doesn't care about threats and horror movie trivia.

But her caller claims to be different, and Gale becomes alert. She has a gun and threatens to shoot him in the head. She shoots the door instead and then advances it.

The door bursts open, and Ghostface attacks. Will Gale be able to save herself from the knife-wielding killer.

The rest of the cast is seen looking worried and Mindy is crawling somewhere on the roof while Tara hangs on for dear life. But there is something about her expression...

We also see a shrine to Ghostface. Clearly, someone has a weird obsession with the killer and is trying to be a copycat.

Let's see who survives this time.

The movie releases on 10th March. 


  1. If we look at Terra’s attack from Scream 5, it is identical to Kirby and Cotton Weary’s presumed death. What if Cotton Weary was the Ghostface killer in Scream 6?


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