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Short Horror Film Review: ESTHER

Plot: Katy returns to her childhood home and gets an uninvited guest every night.

It's not always possible to maintain friendships. Sometimes, you move away. Sometimes, they do. Life gets busy. Commitments crop up.

We do have social media to stay in touch even though we can be miles apart.

But what about those friends who don't have social media. You know, the kinds that you think are part of your imagination but are actual beings from another realm?

They obviously don't know how to use social media or phones to keep in touch.

Imagine how pissed off they must become when they are forgotten.


Katy makes a video to Dr Stevenson, telling him about her return to her childhood home. She isn't too happy with her job and is struggling with OCD.

She then mentions the fire alarm that has been going off every night at 2 am.

Katy claims to have removed the batteries but recounts how at 2 am. the next night, the fire alarm still went off.

She then tells him that she misses him and hopes to continue their sessions.

The next night, Katy has installed a new fire alarm and keeps watch but finds nothing out of the ordinary.

Her brother calls the next day, and while they talk, he mentions how she used to have an imaginary friend called Esther and how he was creeped up about it.

Katy doesn't remember the friend she made after her mother died. Her brother advises her to get some rest and exercise to heal.

The next night, Katy has decided that her imaginary friend may be behind this odd occurrence with fire alarms.

She records another video for her doctor.

ESTHER Ending Spoilers.

Huddled behind her box Fort, Katy has decided that the only way to bring forth her imaginary friend is by getting in touch with her inner child.

When nothing happens, she heads off to bed. In the middle of the night, the fire alarm goes off.

Katy jumps out of bed, ready with her phone.

This time, she sees a smoking hand  near the fire alarm. She is startled but continues to record and continues to follow whoever is inside the house.

The fire alarm goes off again, and this time, Katy sees a tall, bony figure enter through the window.

Katy freaks out and runs away but drops the phone, which records Esther.

The movie ends.

ESTHER creates a satisfyingly creepy atmosphere, and Katy's fear is palpable as she sets about to discover just who is trespassing her home.

The story and tension grabs you until the last minute when Esther is finally revealed.

However, the short film seems more like a carefully edited version of a movie that had more to say.

Katy clearly should not have forgotten and ignored her imaginary friend.

The movie has the potential to become a feature-length movie. The story of Esther could be explored well then as whether or not Katy survives.

Perhaps all Esther wants is to be friends with Katy. In that case, Katy's survival is imminent.


Check out this movie on Youtube


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