FRESH--My take on the movie with spoilers!

 Plot Summary: Noa thinks she's found her perfect match in Steve until she learns why he really wants her.

If you think about it, most of the stories we came across as kids and young adults were about love just happening. We were made to believe that love needs to be ingrained in one's destiny in order for one to find it.

And love comes at the most unexpected moments. We don't have to work hard for it. One day someone walks into our lives and changes everything and suddenly there's that spark that was missing that is now found, and a purpose that we sense and everything magically falls into place.

But now really, is that how love works? If we stay at home the whole day, does love just come to our doorstep?

If we are out the whole day and meet dozens of people, do we find that spark with everyone? What if we don't click with anybody?

So yes, all those stories about love, oh and true love might I add, just falls into our laps, is quite possibly all hogwash.

Whether or not that true magical love exists or not is debatable but that hasn't stopped people from looking for it and now in this modern society, true love can be found at a touch of a button...on an app.

But what are the chances the person you meet online may just not be who they claim to be?

FRESH Movie Plot

Noa is outside a restaurant, hesitant about meeting her date that she met online. She calls up her friend Mollie and explains how her date, Chad, asked her to bring cash. That's already a deal breaker for her but she decides to give it a shot anyway even though Mollie doesn't want her friend to go through the date. But Noa explains that love doesn't come as easily to her as it does to her friend and Mollie relents and tells her to give the guy a chance. They end the call with: I love you. And...I love you more.

That's relevant to the story. In fact from now on, all of your friends need to have a code or a signal they can give you and you can give them should you find yourself in trouble.

Noa meets the guy who is just as insufferable as she imagined. She is almost glad when he accidentally dips his scarf into his food. After the date, Noa reports to her friend and wonders if she will ever find the perfect guy again.

And then it happens.

Noa is doing her grocery shopping when a man approaches her and talks about grapes tasting like candy floss. He explains he's been trying to convince his niece and his sister that the grapes taste like candy floss but would also like her opinion.

Noa is hesitant but then finds him utterly charming and gives in. She thinks the grapes do taste like candy floss. I seriously hope grapes like that exist.

Anyway the man introduces himself as Steve and asks for her number in case his sister and niece don't believe him. Noa thinks it's the perfect ruse to get her number but does give it to him.

All this is reported to Mollie who is happy her friend has found someone.

Noa meets with Steve and finds him easy to talk to. They spend the night even though initially Steve tries to restrain himself but then gives in.

Noa relays everything that is going on in her life to Mollie who wants to immediately stalk Steve online. But gasp! Steve doesn't have an online presence.

Does everyone in the world have to have an Instagram account? Or a Facebook one? Apparently it is a requirement as it serves as evidence that you belong to this century.

Mollie immediately thinks something is up with the mystery man. What kind of person isn't on social media? That is her argument. Noa thinks nothing of it and agrees to go on a surprise trip with Steve.

So...its hardly been a couple of dates, and Noa agrees to go on a surprise trip? What happens has nothing to do with Steve having no online presence. It has to do with Noa being extremely trusting and gullible to believe Steve. Or perhaps she was desperate to find true love at whatever cost and wanted to take the plunge.

Anyway, Steve makes some excuse about heavy traffic and invites her to his house so they can leave the next day.

Noa is given a drink and as Steve talks, she suddenly feels dizzy and then falls face first on the floor.

That's when the film title comes on. More than 30 minutes have passed.

Noa awakens to find Steve by her side, watching her. She thinks he's being romantic when she tries to get up and realizes she's handcuffed. At this point she thinks he's being kinky.

But nope. Steve doesn't want to pretend any more. He tells her that yes, he's a doctor, but not the kind she was so impressed by.

In no delicate terms, she explains she has been lured and held captive because he tends to chop her up, piece by piece, and eat her. Or rather sell her body pieces.

Noa starts to freak out but Steve warns her to behave for her own good. Soon enough, she hears the voice of another girl from the other side of the wall. The girl's name is Penny and she sympathizes with Noa and also lets her know that there have been more girls held captive apart from them.

Noa's terror grows and makes a haphazard plan to escape using the excuse of wanting to take a shower. Steve agrees and takes her out of her room but when she attacks him, he's quick and ready for her and subdues her.

Noa awakens and finds herself on the operating table. Steve is singing and casually announces he's taking away her butt. Noa's pleas do nothing to assuage him and he cuts into her. She awakens later and when she uses the toilet, spots blood in her underwear.

Steve is singing along in the kitchen and though he had previously told Noa that he didn't eat meat, he is shown slicing a sliver of meat from a leg and eating it raw. He then chops up another body part and packs them up in boxes along with the name of the woman to whom it belonged as well as her personal items. Men are seen receiving the package and eating the body parts as if it were gourmet food.

Meanwhile, Mollie gets curious when she doesn't hear from Noa and messages her. Noa supposedly sends her a photo of a waterfall which makes Mollie curious because the photo is too perfect. She conducts an online search and finds the same photo on a website. Certain that something is amiss, she messages Noa again who then supposedly messages back that she is turning off her phone and enjoying her holiday. Mollie texts "I love you" to which Noa doesn't reply the same way she used to.

Mollie is certain that Noa is in trouble because she didn't text back "I love you, too."

She visits the bar Noa had gone to on a date with Steve and enlists the bartender's help. He is reluctant at first but acquiesces because he used to date Mollie and her compliment sways him.

Mollie is then able to track Steve after she finds out he has a wife called Ana and two kids. While Steve had kept a low online profile, Ana has practically posted a photo of herself and her home and her street number, basically every detail required to be tracked down.

Yet, Mollie uses the internet to ascertain that address of the house in the photo and goes there. She sends the bartender a message and her location in case something happened to her. She knocks on the door and Ana answers it. Mollie casually remarks about her husband knowing a friend of hers and Ana pretty much tells Mollie to leave for her own good. She did give her a warning after all...

But Mollie stays on. Her friendship withthe Noa is everything to her. Steve arrives home and it is revealed that his real name is Brendan. Perhaps Brendan had an active social media presence? Because having an online presence is an indicator of good personality traits.

He pretends not to know Noa but hopes Mollie finds her friend soon. But unknown to Steve, Noa had taken a photo of him while he was sleeping and sent it to Mollie so she knows that Steve is the guy who knows where her friend is.

She calls on Noa's phone and of course, Steve still has Noa's phone in his pocket even though it is later retrieved he had a shelf to carry the abducted women's personal effects. The phone rings, Steve knows he's caught in a lie but it is Ana who knocks out Mollie. Of course, the wife is in it too. They live in a large enough house after all and where else are they going to get the money? Through chopping up unsuspecting women of course who are also orphans and have only a friend or two so that no one comes looking for them.

In that regard, Noa is lucky she has Mollie because Penny's friend did not come looking for her. The movie highlights the importance of having great friends.

Anyway, Mollie wakes up in the same basement and is hauled off to the operation room.

In the meantime, Noa has befriended Penny who tells her that the girl on the other side has completely lost her mind after having so many body parts chopped off. We get to see Penny who is without a leg. Noa reveals she slept with Steve to which Penny is surprised because Steve hasn't slept with any of the other women he kidnapped. Noa feels ashamed but Penny reminds her that Steve may like her and she could use it asto her advantage.

So when Steve comes by to drop off some clothes, Noa asks him what human meat tastes like and then dismisses him. The next time he comes, he asks her if she would like to taste it. Since that is the only way she can get closer to him, she agrees to let him cook for her.

He makes spaghetti and special meatballs for her. Noa takes a bite and manages to keep it down. She quite possibly finishes her meal before she's sent to her room where she proceeds to vomit her dinner.

FRESH Ending Explained with Spoilers

The next time, Steve practically plays Beauty and the beast and gifts her a dress. It's not a yellow gown but a shabby, ill-fitting pink dress. He also gives her some makeup. They are going on a date! In his living room!

He shows her a secret area where there is a shelf full of things from the kidnapped women. Noa eyes the phone although she dares not risk taking it.

Noa is then made to eat more special meat that is supposed to come from breasts. Steve even hints at it being familiar meat but Noa is more interested in puns and jokes. Since we saw Mollie on the operating table with things near her chest, it's obvious what happened.

AfterwardsAfterward, just like in Beauty and the beast, Noa and Steve dance, rather badly, but still...

Steve then seduces Noa who takes charge of the bedroom. As she goes down on him, she takes a big bite of his male appendage. Steve screams as Noa is shown with blood around her mouth.

As he cries and writhes about, Noa hits him, smears toothpaste on his eyes, and then takes his keys to rescue the other girls. She finds Mollie and unchains her, then they both rescue Penny who needs their help because she can't very well run on one leg.

Steve catches up with the trio in the kitchen and a fight scene ensues with all of them trying to get on top of each other. The three manage to hit him hard enough for him to fall and bleed on the kitchen floor. Noa manages to take the phone from the secret area behind the wall.

But of course, there is no cell phone service. The bartender did come to Mollie's location but got cold feet and almost drives away.

Steve comes out of the house again and this time has a gun. Another fight ensues and Noa ends up shooting him in the face. She rejoins Mollie and Penny and finds the exit blocked.

By this time Ann is certain something has happened to her husband and goes to the house. She finds Steve's body and loses it. When Noa comes to search for her phone, Ana pretends to be another prisoner and then attacks Noa, trying to strangle her.

Mollie hears her cries and goes over with a shovel. Ann is knocked to the side and then has her head repeatedly bashed with the shovel. The villains don't wake up like in slasher movies.

The women are finally able to call for help and the police arrive as they all hug each other.

The end.

The movie is pretty much a satire and can be unsettling at times but balances it well with subtle humor. It points out two important things: One, having awesome friends who will come looking for you should you be kidnapped, and Two, being careful who you date. You may just end up losing more than your heart.

Scare Scale: 3.5/5


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