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Horror Weekly News: The Black Demon trailer drops. Two mysteries available for streaming today.

It is the year of the megalodon. 

While Meg 2: The Trench, will release later this year, The Black Demon will hit screens later in April.

The megalodon was a species of shark that went extinct millions of years ago. 
It is thought to have been almost 67ft in length and preyed on whales and sea turtles.

According to a Mexican legend, the megalodon was spotted recently and since it was a darker shade than regular sharks, it was termed as a black demon.

Whether or not it was spotted, there were reports of large teeth being found that could only belong to a large creature such as the megalodon.

The Black Demon is based on this legend.

In the movie that stars Josh Lucas and Ferrnanda Urrejola, a family gets stranded on a rig after they are attacked by a megalodon. The locals believe it to be a curse and that the creature will not stop until a sacrifice is made.

It is now up to the hero to save the whole town from this creature.

The trailer reveals an exciting plot and thrilling action. 

THE BLACK DEMON is expected to release on April 28th.

Watch the trailer:

In other news...

Two new movies are available to watch today.

Shudder's THE UNHEARD is about 20-year old Chloe who undergoes an experimental procedure to restore her hearing.

Things seem to go well after the operation but shortly after, Chloe begins to experience hallucinations that are related to the disappearance of her mother.

Will Chloe finally find out what happened to her mother? 

The movie has received mixed reviews. While the acting has been praised, the movie has been criticised for its slow pacing.

Currently, the film holds a 50% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

The next release of the day is Gaslight, a bellwood thriller that releases on Disney Plus.

The movie stars Sara Ali Khan and is rumored to be based heavily on Jessabelle, a 2014 horror movie.

GASLIGHT is about a paraplegic woman who is asked to return to the Palace by her father. Upon her return, she is shocked to discover that her father is absent.

When she makes no contact with him, she suspects her stepmother pf wrongdoing.

Will she be able to find out the truth and unravel the mysteries of the Palace in time? 

The movie has received mixed reviews so far. Just like The Unheard, the movie has been praised for its acting but criticised for a boring and slow screenplay.

However, some critics have lauded the film's attempt at inducing chills in some moments.

The movie releases on March 31st.


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