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Horror Short Film Review: House Rules


Plot: While trying to escape her past, a woman rents a house at a very cheap price. But there is a catch: she must follow the house rules.

A new start. How many of us would love to start things afresh and escape the mistakes and tragedies of our past.

A new start requires money and the kindness of strangers.

The latter especially helps. But what if trusting strangers end up with you inviting more trouble?


A woman is searching online for a house to rent. She is thinking about her ex's threats and wants to escape him.

She is clearly cash-strapped as she searches for the cheapest place to rent. An ad for a cabin catches her eye and she enters chat with the owner who calls herself Helen.

She is ready to give the woman a further discount because she will be coming alone and then posts her House Rules:

She is, under no circumstances, allowed near a barn.

And two, she must not turn on lights after 11 pm.

The woman escapes and goes to the cabin that is in the middle of nowhere.

She looks clearly relaxed, surrounded by serenity. Later that afternoon, she hears sounds coming from the barn nearby and forgets the rules instantly.

She goes to the barn and peeks inside. Nothing.

She goes back inside and enjoys her evening until she hears a voice telling her it is her house and her rules.

HOUSE RULES Ending Explained

Freaked out, she heads to bed and listens to the voice messages from her ex, who tells her he will find her since he is a cop. It is now 11 o'clock.

When she hears the knocks again, she goes to investigate and makes a huge error...she turns on the lights to see who it is.

Of course, there is no one.

The woman has had it at this point and messages Helen for help. When she doesn't receive a reply, she calls the number and a man picks up. When she explains her problem, the man discloses that Helen has been dead for two years. The house was never put up for rent.

The woman is shocked and then spooked when Helen replies to the message, stating that she is coming.

The woman doesn't want Helen to come anymore.

Too late.

A dark figure drags along the hallway saying over and over again:  My house. My rules.

The short ends.

While this is a terrifying short film, it does leave a lot of questions unanswered.

What is in the barn? If the house hasn't been rented, then why isn't Helen's husband worried about who is living in the house?

A few more minutes added to explain and tie up loose ends would have greatly helped the movie.

You can watch this movie on Youtube

Scare scale: 3.5/5


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