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Horror Weekly News: Ben Affleck stars in Hypnotic. The Clock gets a trailer.


Filmmaker Robert Rodriguez is back with another thriller. The filmmaker who js behind films like Sin City  Spy Kids, and Once Upon a Time in Mexico, now brings you a brand new thriller starring Ben Affleck.

The trailer shows Ben Affleck playing a detective who is looking for his missing daughter.

It starts with Detective Daniel Rourke dealing with a bank heist. He comes across a man sitting on a bench, talking to a woman about how hot it is today.

The next instant, the woman begins to remove her clothes and walks into incoming traffic.

It is then that the detective finds a box in a locker that contains a photo of his daughter.

As he chases the man, he finds the man has interesting abilities to hypnotise people. The detective manages to get out of a tough spot and must then enlist the help of a specialist who tells him about Hypnotics who have the ability to influence the brain and make people see things that are not there.

The detective must now deal with things that aren't there. Will he be able to find his daughter on time?

Is his daughter even in danger? Perhaps he is hypnotised into believing she is so that he is distracted.

The movie promises twists and turns, and action galore.

HYPNOTIC stars Ben Affleck and William Fichtner and releases on March 12th.

Watch the trailer

In other news...

As we age, we begin to worry about our biological clock. For women, especially, there is an age limit to when they can naturally conceive.

What if someone told you there was a way to alter your biological clock?

Meet Ella who hasn't a care about kids at all. Her friends keep nagging her about it and so does her family.

Eventually, she caves and gets a procedure done, certain that the reason she has no desire to have kids is because her biological clock is broken.

She finds Dr Elizabeth to be a caring and understanding doctor who assures her that she is not just a case but a human being, and the best kind, a woman.

There is something weird about the way she says that.

Following the procedure, Ella begins to have hallucinations and feels like she is losing her mind.

So...just what is going on?

The trailer looks promising and does leave you with the mystery of what is actually going on.

It also evokes a debate regarding whether a woman is not allowed to feel like a woman if she doesn't have kids.

Let's see how the movie handles this issue without preaching.

The movie starts Dianna Agron, and Melora Hardin.

It will release on April 28th on Hulu.

Watch the Trailer



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