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Horror Weekly News: Faces of Death gets a remake. American Horror Story Season 12 returns this summer.


Legendary Entertainment has acquired rights to the 1978 movie FACES OF DEATH, and plans to turn it into a horror franchise. 

FACES OF DEATH was a movie that released in 1978 and was presented in a pseudo-documentary style. The movie was about a pathologist acting as a narrator to show different faces of people while they were dying. 

The movie was composed of real life footage intercut with staged scenes. There were several incidents depicted in the movie, all of them that are hard to stomach. Think people eating live animals to decapitations. 

This disturbing movie, upon release, received mainly negative reviews with many critics pointing out the exploitation of real footage. 

FACES OF DEATH was thought to be banned in 46 countries although that number is up for debate considering several countries have allowed its release with cuts. 

The movie saw many sequels and over the year, may have garnered a cult following. However, it was not without controversies. In the 1980s, the movie was shown in schools which led to two students becoming severely traumatized, and for one of the students to bludgeon his classmate to death just so he could see his death “face”. 

In spite of all of this, the movie is still seeing a remake but so far the story seems to be different. 

The synopsis that has been released shows that a female moderator who is tasked with taking down violent videos, comes across a group that is making movies about murders. 

But are they real or staged?

The new movie stars Barbie Ferreira, Josie Totah, and Dacre Montgomery. 

There is no release date set yet. 

In other news…

The upcoming story of AMERICAN HORROR STORY may release earlier this year. 

The show, that is in its twelfth season, will see Kim Kardashian joining the cast. Along with her, according to the newly released teaser, is Emma Roberts. 

American Horror Story is known to have a different story every season and has seen many critically acclaimed actors in the past like Kathy Bates, Evan Peters, and Sarah Paulson. 

The new season is called Delicate and is said to be based on Danielle Valentine’s novel DELICATE CONDITION. 

The book that is scheduled to be published later this year, is about a woman called Anna Alcott and her desperation to have a baby. She goes through an IVF treatment but realizes someone really doesn’t want her to have a baby as her medicines are getting misplaced, and her appointments are becoming cancelled. 

When Anna finally gets pregnant, someone steals her baby’s ultrasound. Then one day, she is told that her baby is no more. However, Anna still feels something growing inside her. 

This terrifying story will be brought to life in American Horror Story Season 12. 


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