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Horror Weekly News: Insidious Red Door Trailer drops. Night Swim headed as first horror release in 2024.


Fear the dark no more. The fifth installment in the Insidious franchise is officially called INSIDIOUS: THE RED DOOR. 

Set for a July release, the latest installment will see Dalton all grown up and heading to college. But his past refuses to let him go. 

In the trailer that dropped recently, we see Josh struggling with everything that has happened while his son Dalton shows concern. Clearly there is some distance between the two of them as Josh drives his son to college who prefers to listen to music than have a conversation with his father. 

In Art College, Dalton keeps drawing a door until a hand grasps him, breaking through his reverie. 

The family realizes that whatever lies in The Further, is not done with them yet. It seems that father and son take another trip into the further. 

The red door was part of the Further that let in a lot of evil through that the family had to deal with in the previous parts. 

In the first part, Insidious, Dalton was a small boy who had fallen into a coma, except, as the family learns later, he really hadn’t. Turns out, Dalton was able to astrally project himself and inadvertently land in a plane where evil spirits roamed around. This ability was hereditary. Turns out Josh used to be able to astral project as well and stalked by an old woman. He was eventually hypnotized which is why when he grew up, he forgot he was able to travel to different planes. 

Insidious: The Red Door releases five years after the last sequel. The movie is directed by Patrick Wilson. The story is written by Leigh Whannell. 

Produced by Jason Blum, Oren Pelli, James Wan, and Leigh Whannell, the movie releases on July 7th 2023. 

The movie stars Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Ty Simpkins, and Sinclair Daniel. 

In other news…

You may want to consider not swimming at night anymore. 

A brand new horror is coming your way on January 5th, 2024. The movie is based on the short horror film of the same name. 

The 2014 short horror film shows a woman swimming in her backyard when she sees a dark figure looming over her. When she surfaces, she sees the figure walk into the light. It is a drenched woman. Her smile is evil. The swimmer falls backwards and is pulled into the water. When the lights come on, the woman has completely disappeared. 

The movie is now being turned into a feature-length movie which stars Kerry Condon and Wyatt Russell. 

The tagline is: No running. No diving. No lifeguard on duty. No swimming after dark.

No doubt this is going to be one scary movie. 

The movie will be the first collaboration between Blumhouse and James Wan’s production house Atomic Monster. 

Considering how well M3GAN fared at the box office, it’s no surprise that Blumhouse has moved up the date for Night Swim hoping it will be the first horror movie of the year that will be a major success. 

The short movie can be found and watched on Youtube


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