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Horror Book of the Week: COLD BLOOD by Dan Padova


This week’s HORROR BOOK OF THE WEEK is COLD BLOOD by Dan Padavona. 

The book was published in May 2023 and has already reached bestseller status in Horror Suspense and Horror Fiction and Literature. 

The book has received mixed reviews from customers who bought the book. While they laud the author for another thrilling mystery in the series, there are negative comments regarding the overused descriptions of winter and for dragging the pace. 

Quick Review based on the Sample: 

While the author writes well, the dialogues appear clunky and unrealistic. The characters are introduced quickly and it is established that they are all very busy and cannot afford a break but the couple still manages to do so. 

Based on the premise of the book, we are prepared for things to go chaotic when the prisoner escapes and when a snow storm hits. And so, the first few chapters are all about the build-up of the snowstorm which can be a little monotonous. 

Still, the characters are interesting enough for the readers to follow their journey and stay with them till the very last page. 

The Plot (Taken from

An escaped murderer hunts the wilderness.

And a killer storm is thundering toward Wolf Lake.

When a dangerous criminal escapes police custody, the sheriff's department rushes to catch him. The unhinged convict is leaving a trail of bodies in his wake.

At the same time, Thomas Shepherd and Chelsey plan a long overdue vacation on Laurel Mountain. But the worst storm in decades is dead set on striking the mountain, and the snow threatens to strand them.

With no cell phone coverage and the storm playing havoc with the power grid and communications, Thomas and Chelsey must survive the elements, unaware the killer is near.

Can the sheriff's department reach Thomas before it's too late?

Cold Blood is the most pulse-pounding thriller in the Thomas Shepherd mystery series.

COLD BLOOD is available on Kindle and in Paperback. 


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