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Horror Weekly News: Bird Box Barcelona releasing in July. Two popular shows cancelled.


Would you risk seeing…this movie? 

After the success of Bird Box, a sequel was announced which then turned into a Spanish-language spinoff. 

Now Bird Box was based on a novel that was written by Josh Malerman. There were rumours that the sequel to the movie Bird Box would be based on MALORIE, the sequel to the novel. 

The novel followed Malorie and her kids after they arrive at the school for the blind and took shelter there. Years pass, and the kids are now teens. Malorie learns of another commnunity of survivors and that her own parents may be a part of it. 

The creatures who have caused havoc have now mutated and may be able to pass on the madness through touch. 

Although the author had confirmed that a movie on his book Malorie was in the works, there have been no updates on it so far. 

But the spinoff, titled Bird Box Barcelona, is all set to release this year. 

The movie is supposed to take place in the same universe and timeline as Bird Box, but in Barcelona. That means, while Malorie was dealing with the chaos in her city, on the other side, there were other people who were struggling with this madness as well. 

The movie follows Sebastian and his daughter Sophia as they try to survive this dystopian world. 

The movie stars Mario Casas and Naila Schuberth. 

BIRD BOX BARCELONA will release on Netflix on July 14th. 

In other news…

This is the season to find out if your favorite show is getting a renewal or a cut. Most shows have survived even after getting an axe because another network will pick it up. 

Two horror/thriller shows have gotten the axe. 

Netflix’s Lockwood & Co. Has been cancelled after one season. On the other side, CW cancelled The Winchesters after one season, too. 

Lockwood & Co was described as a show for teens and the scares were kept to a limit. The story was about two teenage boys who have a startup and are joined by a gifted girl. 

The Winchesters was a prequel to the long-running, successful show SUPERNATURAL. The story was about Dean and Sam’s father, John who teams up with Mary and saves the world. 

Although these two shows had a fan following and received positively by critics, they were still canceled. 

Hopefully, another network will save the day? 


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