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Horror Weekly News: Poirot gets embroiled in a Haunting in Venice. It Lives Inside trailer drops.


A brand new mystery awaits Detective Hercule Poirot. And this comes just after he decided to retire. 

This time Poirot finds himself in a captivating mystery that takes place in mesmerizing Venice. 

After World War II, Poirot attends a Halloween party where guests participate in a séance. When one of the guests is murdered, he begins to wonder if there is a supernatural reason behind it. 

He starts seeing a ghost of a girl who is drenched. Is she the reason behind this chaos?

A Haunting in Venice is based on Agatha Christie’s 1969 novel Hallowe’en Party. 

The trailer shows a zoetrope with a dancing skeleton. But it isn’t meant to signify amusement, rather it is an indication of an ominous event. Rattling doors, shots of sculptures in dim light, carnival masks, and shadows, add to the eeriness. 

A girl’s ghost tries to make her presence known and appears to be scaring all the guests. 

Poirot will have to hold onto his wits to solve this case. 

The movie stars Kenneth Branagh as Hercule Poirot. He is joined by Tina Fey, Michelle Yeoh, and Jamie Dornan. 

Directed by Kenneth Branagh, A Haunting in Venice will hit theatres on September 15th. 

In other news…

Evil is unleashed... from a jar.

Following a win at the SXSW, Bishal Dutta's IT LIVES INSIDE is finally getting a release.

The movie has been talked about ever since its premiere at the SXSW Film Festival, where it bagged the Audience Award.

Critics have praised the movie for its spotlight on immigrants and the identity crisis they face as they adapt to their new surroundings.

IT LIVES INSIDE has a chilling trailer that looks like a promising demonic horror movie.

In the movie, we see a teenager, Samidha or Sam, trying to fit in her school. In the process, she forgoes her culture to be accepted.

She distances herself from her friend Tamira, who prefers to remain in the background.

Except, she's not only given up brushing her hair, she's also carrying around a jar.

One day, she corners Sam and tells her about the demon living inside. Sam doesn't care much for it, and when the jar breaks, someone invisible pulls on Tamira's hair.

Not long after, Sam is seen being disturbed by the same demon. Her mother thinks it is a "pisach" (flesh-eating demon) who is after her. And when it is ready, it will eat your soul.

This terrifying movie doesn't have a confirmed release date yet, although some reports suggest it may release during the fall.

The movie stars Megan Suri, Neeru Bajwa, and Mohana Krishnan.


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