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Horror Book of the Week: The Haunted House From Hell


This week’s HORROR BOOK OF THE WEEK is THE HAUNTED HOUSE FROM HELL. Written by Mark L’Estrange, this book was published in March 2021 and is still on the bestsellers list for British Horror Fiction and Ghost Thrillers. 

Customers who bought this book commended it for having a good story with effective twists and turns. However, some complained about the slow pacing and the story not being scary enough. 

However, the majority enjoyed this ghost story. 

Quick Review based on Sample

The writing flows well as we meet the characters in the prologue. The scene is set and there is a build-up of suspense as to what the mother could possibly have against what her son has done. She has sent her servants away, much to her son’s chagrin. He is however given his favorite food and drink to make him feel at home. 

But there is something in his pant that has perturbed his mother to the extent that she has decided to burn his scrapbook and kill herself. 

We learn later, that she had killed her son as well. 

The house is haunted and it is time to see some ghosts. 

Or read about them. It can be difficult writing a horror scene without visual aid but the author does justice to the ghosts’s first appearance that in movies, would work as a jump scare. 

The modern day characters are introduced and you will find yourself connected to them. They are realistic, logical and flawed, just like actual human beings. 

There is atmospheric thrill and you will feel it even when the scene takes place in daylight. 

This is an interesting book so far. 

The Haunted House From Hell Plot (Taken from

When Catherine Porter murders her only son and takes her own life, no one can understand why. Vilified for her crimes, she becomes synonymous with everything evil and wicked amongst the locals, and parents begin using her name to scare their errant children into behaving.

Soon after her death, reports begin to circulate that her ghost has been seen inside her old house. Over the years, the sightings continue, sending most of the house's occupants running from the property, screaming into the night, never to return.

When the Jefferson family moves in, they decide to hold a séance to finally rid the property of its unwanted guest. But in doing so, they unleash something even more terrifying: a malevolent force that will stop at nothing to take back its domain.

This book contains graphic violence and is not suitable for readers under the age of 18.

The book is available in the following formats: Kindle, Audiobook, Paperback, and Hardcover. 

Get the Book


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