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Horror Book of the Week-- HAUNTED: PERRON MANOR


This week’s HORROR BOOK OF THE WEEK is Haunted: Perron Manor. If you enjoy reading haunted house stories, you will enjoy this book by Lee Mountford

Published in October 2020, HAUNTED: PERRON MANOR is the first book in the HAUNTED series written by Lee Mountford. There are seven books in the series, and each of them are on the bestseller’s list for British Horror Fiction, Horror Suspense and Occult Horror. 

The book has been praised by reviewers for being scary and the author has been praised for creating an atmospheric horror story that is populated with interesting characters. The story has also been described as being too scared to turn off the lights at night. 

Customers who bought this book called it a real page-turner and hard to put down. Many readers found the book to be genuinely creepy and well-written. However, some of the readers weren’t too thrilled that the book ended with a cliffhanger and that a lot of incidents weren’t explained that should have been in this book rather than its sequel.


 Quick Book Review (based on sample)

The book begins with Chloe’s entry into the manor. She is with her husband Andrew and daughter Emma. The first chapter is pretty much Chloe thinking about how huge the house is and there are several instances of gratuitous profanity. 

There is also quite a few repetitions that do nothing but prolong the next scene which should have brought in the horror elements. The first horror scene is a trope and one can only hope that the horror scenes after this gets better. 

The next chapter sees the introduction of the sister, Sarah. There is a bit of repetition here as well, especially when she keeps talking about her age. Following the intro chapters of both sisters, the story finally does move ahead albeit a little slowly because of the large paragraphs to describe the manor. 

However, the author manages to effectively generate curiosity as to how the story will proceed and just what secrets this big house holds. 


Perron Manor—a place evil calls home

Sisters Sarah and Chloe inherit a house they could never have previously dreamed of owning. It seems too good to be true.

Shortly after they move in, however, the siblings start to notice strange things: horrible smells, sudden drops in temperature, as well as unexplainable sounds and feelings of being watched.

All of that is compounded when they find a study upstairs, filled with occult items and a strange book written in Latin.

Their experiences grow more frequent and more terrifying, building towards a heart-stopping climax where the sisters come face to face with the evil behind Perron Manor. Will they survive and save their very souls?

Buy now and dive into the next great haunted house novel.

Haunted: Perron Manor is Book 1 in the Haunted series, which continues with Haunted: Devil's Door

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