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Horror Weekly News-- The Exorcist:Believer trailer is out. The Mistress has a mysterious new trailer.


Think of the scariest movie ever made and you are bound to think of THE EXORCIST. 

Based on the best-selling book by William Peter Blatty, THE EXORCIST (1973) was one of the highest grossing horror films until IT came out in 2017. 

THE EXORCIST was considered to be one of the greatest and scariest horror movies. The story was about a teenage girl called Regan who gets possessed. Her mother, an actress, Chris MacNeil, enlists the aid of two priests to save her daughter. 

The two priests manage to save Regan from the ancient demon Pazuzu but lose their lives in the process. 

The Exorcist turned into a franchise, producing several successful sequels and a TV series. 

In July 2021, it was revealed that a new trilogy of sequels is in development with the first one being a sequel to the original THE EXORCIST. 

Titled, THE EXORCIST: BELIEVER, the movie is a joint-venture production of both Blumhouse Productions and Morgan Creek Entertainment. Universal Pictures will serve as distributor. 

THE EXORCIST: BELIEVER trailer reveals more about the story. Victor has raised his daughter Angela after his wife’s death. Angela is best friends with Catherine and one day, right after they are dropped off to school, the girls disappear. 

After a frantic search, the girls are found but they don’t seem themselves anymore. 

It isn’t long before Angela and Catherine display possession traits and Victor must enlist the help of Chris MacNeil to help him since she has had experience with possession. 

Chris meets with the girls and quickly understands that it is the same demon that had possessed her daughter. The demon recognizes her too. 

Chris realizes that while all cultures have their own methods of exorcism, they must rely on all of them in order to help the girls. 

The trailer looks terrifying and the original THE EXORCIST theme adds to the tension. 

The film stars Ellen Burstyn, Leslie Odom Jr., Lidya Jewett, and Olivia Marcum. 

Directed by David Gordon Green who is also one of the writers along with Peter Sattler and William Peter Blatty (credited for adaptation of novel), The Exorcist: Believer will release on October 13th. 


 In other news…

Houses are never haunted. Or are they?

In THE MISTRESS, a newlywed couple is horrified to discover that their new home may be haunted by the spirit of a woman who used to be a mistress. 

The couple, Madeline and Parker find letters from a woman who lived there a hundred years ago. Soon enough Parker experiences a haunting but he may be the only one seeing the ghost of the woman. 

Madeline on the other hand suspects something else is going on entirely. 

In the trailer, we see the newlweds enter a house and be awestruck by it. They are welcomed by their neighbor Dawn who doesn’t wait to be invited in. She immediately makes herself feel right at home and goes around the house. 

Soon enough, night falls and Parker sees the swing move all by itself. 

The couple then go to see an older woman called Dorothy who conveniently knows all about old houses. The couple learn that the house was known as the one from Angel’s Blind. 

The house was once occupied by Rebecca who was the mistress and who committed suicide. 

Dawn is later seen on a missing poster but before that we also see Parker giving into temptations with her. As the cops show up on their doorstep, Madeline informs them that Parker had a stalker. 

The movie trailer seems to insinuate that Parker probably had an affair and that his past is coming to haunt him. Could it be that Parker is behind the disappearances of the women? Or does the mistress have some unfinished business and needs the couple’s help? 

Written and directed by Greg Pritikin, the movie stars John Magaro, Chasten Harmon, and Aylyla Marzolf. 

THE MISTRESS releases in theatres and on VOD on July 28th. 


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