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Kana From Hell: Part Fourteen

 Kana was mesmerized by the glove that was being fitted around her left arm.

Kuro had cleaned it and then uttered chants while stitching it up with red threads. Then he had beckoned her and put it on for her while muttering more chants.

Toshihiro questioned her about Ren and she replied that he had left. He asked no follow-up questions and she turned away to discourage further discussions about Ren.

She kept her eyes on the glove that fitted snugly against her skin. Her scar was completely concealed now and the red threads were tied in a criss-cross pattern down her wrist to the elbow to make sure it stayed secure.

The green reptilian skin seemed to come alive with starry glow and spectral colors.

Kuro warned her to never remove it. Kana didn’t know how she could possibly do so considering the red threads were tied in her rather tight.

Once he was finished he stepped back. Toshihiro approached him and Kana heard him whisper a request.

Kuro immediately refused.

Her attention piqued, she crept closer to hear them.

"Where will I find shelter at this hour?" Toshihiro argued.

Kuro looked stubborn. "I have gone out of my way to help you and help her. You can enter my workshop but not my home...with her."

Kana felt like she had been struck. She had never been shunned before. She had no idea she was going to be treated like an outcast.

"She's a young woman," Toshihiro said solemnly.

Kuro nodded. "And a woman who just escaped hell. The glove may protect her from yokai attacks but it doesn’t change what she really is. Unholy. A sinner."

"We don't even know what she is guilty of."

"She went to hell. You are my friend. But this friendship will not extend beyond a certain point. I will not put myself at risk by offering shelter to a fugitive from hell."

Kana turned away and walked out of the house, feeling tears burning her eyes. She felt humiliated and wished she could undo her past mistakes. But it was too late now.

Toshihiro joined her moments later and told her they needed to leave the woods. This place was clearly not safe for them.

Kana nodded and followed Toshihiro through the woods and towards the riverbanks. He talked about a village not far from this place where they could seek shelter.

Kana barely heard him as she lost herself in memories of a painful past.


Ren was perched atop a tree. He watched Kana and Toshihiro exit Kuro's workshop.

The glovemaker was harsh to refuse them shelter but he could understand his point. After all, who would want to risk going to hell for helping a fugitive?

He jumped across to another tree. He had been trained to move silently and stealthily.

He heard Toshihiro talk about going to another village. It was safer for Kana to leave this place that was a haven for criminals.

He sighed as he looked at the glove on her hand.

Unfortunately, the glove had to go. If he intended to succeed in his mission, he had to encourage the yokai attacks.

It was the only way for him to get what he wanted.

Ren watched Kana with her head bowed. He didn’t need to be close to her to see the tears in her eyes. He could see it in the way she walked.

Ren felt for his sword. It was true that he needed the blood of the yokai for his means, but that didn’t mean he wanted Kana to get hurt.

He would protect her, come what may.


  1. When will you release the subsequent parts huh?


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