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Kana From Hell: Part Thirteen


Kuro was surprised when the trio walked in and his one eye sparkled gold when Toshihiro handed him the arm of the Kappa.

He admitted he was surprised the trio had managed such a feat considering the group consisted of a delicate-looking girl, an elderly man reduced to a cooking vessel, and a man he suspected was a bandit.

He had heard about bandits roving in the surrounding towns wearing that same outfit. He wondered if his old man knew he was wandering about with a criminal.

He excused himself as he went to work on the glove in his workshop. The three were served tea by Kuro's assistant who was a small boy. Kuro explained that bandits in his village had burned his house and his family had been trapped inside.

The young boy, Akio, had been playing in the woods and thus saved. However, when he saw his house burning, he tried to jump in to save his family and ended up getting burned.

Traumatized by the incident, he had lost his voice, although he was suspected to have seen one of the bandits who was running away after setting the house on fire.

As he served Ren some tea, Akio watched him carefully and there was a slight tremble in his hands as he carried a small tray.

Ren got up suddenly and walked out of the hut.

Kana watched him leave and then glanced at Toshihiro who had noticed the whole exchange. However, he said nothing and drank his tea.

Curious, Kana got up, thanked Akio, and went to find Ren.

Kana found him walking towards the lake and called for him.

He stopped but didn’t turn around.

Kana walked over to him. "Kuro tells us a story about how Akio lost his family. How the bandits set fire to his home. You seemed upset when you heard that."

Ren didn’t look at her and Kana was hit with the realization that the man before her was keeping dangerous secrets from her.

"You're a bandit, aren’t you?" She asked him pointedly. "You either know who was involved with what happened to Akio were the one..."

"Stop talking!" He almost screamed.

Kana almost jumped back in surprise.

Ren noticed that he had scared her and immediately calmed his raging emotions.

"You may no longer accompany us. I want nothing to do with the likes of you," Kana said, feeling her anger and dislike burgeoning.

She turned to walk away but in an instant, Ren was right before her, his eyes glittering with mockery.

"The likes of me? You mean, criminal?

Kana jutted her chin and he scoffed. "Says the young woman who was condemned to hell. Tell me, what sin did you commit?"

"Setting fire to someone's home and robbing them isn't one of my sins."

Ren kicked a stone and Kana willed herself to let him scare her.

"It was not me." He growled. "Yes, I am a bandit but I have never done anything so vile."

"I saw the way he looked at you. I saw you act guilty!" Kana accused.

"I used to be a part of a crew," he said, feeling resigned. "I parted ways but kept the uniform. I work alone. It was a long time ago."

"You've hurt people," Kana said.

Ren glared at her. "Haven't we all?"

Kana bit the inside of her lip and looked away. She wasn't willing to part secrets with a stranger.

"Did you or did you not hurt Akio's family?"

Ren sighed and shook his head. "I don't know him. But hearing his story, he reminded me of something in my past."

Kana looked at him and saw the sincerity in his eyes. She wanted to trust him but she could also sense a restrain in him. He was hiding something.

But so was she.

And when people hid secrets, they couldn't be trusted, could they?

Toshihiro appeared at the door and called for Kana. She nodded at him before addressing Ren.

"Thank you for your help. But like I said before, this is where we part ways."

Ren felt something he had never felt before: hurt.

The young woman before him was asking him to leave and was eager to get rid of him.

All his life, he had been running. But for the very first time, he wanted to stay.

He nodded ruefully and bowed his head.

Kana returned the gesture before heading toward Toshihiro. She entered the house and went to see Kuro who was waiting for her.

Toshihiro watched Ren turn away and walk into the woods. He smiled to himself as he closed the door. 


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