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The Alfred Hitchcock Conference is back. This time, it’s hybrid.


HitchCon announces the third annual International Alfred Hitchcock Conference — HitchCon ‘23 — October 7 & 8, 2023. For the first time, the conference will take place both online and live at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, New York.  

2023 theme explores Hitchcock’s storytelling innovations

Alfred Hitchcock broke the rules of cinema, created new ones and expanded the horizon of what film can do. HITCHCOCK UNBOUND — Reimagining the Art of the Story will consider these innovations to imagine how storytellers of all kinds might derive inspiration from them today. An 80th anniversary screening of his iconic and iconoclastic masterpiece Shadow of a Doubt (1943) will be followed by HitchCon’s popular “ice-box conversations,” known to go late into the night. As Hitchcock scholar and author of The Encyclopedia of Alfred Hitchcock, Thomas Leitch, says, “Love watching Hitchcock’s films? Love the post-screening discussions Hitchcock claimed were indispensable to the filmgoing experience? Then HitchCon is the place to be.” 

HitchCon attracts filmmakers and scholars, as well as creative professionals and movie nerds from the Americas and Europe who come to network, develop their creative skills and immerse themselves in the study of the Master of Suspense. 

About Joel Gunz

President, HitchCon

An independent scholar and filmmaker, Joel publishes The Hitchcockian Quarterly and his film projects include Alfred Hitchcock, Master of the Surreal (series 2019-current) and Spellbound by L’Amour Fou (2021). He and his partner, Christy La Guardia, live with their beagle, Charlie, in Olympia, Washington. More at

About HitchCon

Founded in 2021, HitchCon International Alfred Hitchcock Conference has rapidly grown to become the world’s largest conference dedicated to the artistry of The Master of Suspense. HitchCon also takes place year round, gathering a community of filmmakers, scholars and fans for bi-weekly lectures and movie screenings. HitchCon is designed to appeal to a wide range of individuals of all ages, disciplines  and backgrounds — including underrepresented groups — united in their appreciation of film.


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