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Horror Weekly News: All Fun and Games for a group of Salem Teenagers. Things take a twisted turn for a couple in The Changeling

 It’s not ALL FUN AND GAMES for a group of Salem teenagers when they are forced to play a deadly game. 

Of course these teens are all in a town where not all stories have been revealed to them so there is bound to be something evil hiding somewhere in all those tales. 

Directed by Eren Celeboglu and Ari Costa, the new trailer shows just how things can go wrong when kids pick up dangerous items, and then clean them to read what is written on it. 

In the trailer we see a young boy pick up a knife and bring it home to him. He is Billie’s brother who stays by himself while his sister entertains her friends and brothers. 

Bored, he cleans the knife and reads what is written on it: I will play. I won’t quit. 

That is when he realizes he wants to play with his sister. Except he decides to blackmail her first by demanding she and her friends play with him and only then will he allow them to go to a party. 

Desperate to go to the party, the four older teenagers easily give in to the blackmail. Each one is told to say that they will pay and they will not quit. 

Things instantly spiral out of control when one of them becomes possessed and grins devilishly. There’s a lot of running around thereafter with the sister demanding to know where her brother found the knife. 

Will the teenagers be able to survive this creepy game?

Written by J.J. Braider, Eren Celeboglu, and Ari Costa, the movie stars Asa Butterfield, Annabeth Gish, Natalia Dyer, and Benjamin Evan Ainsworth. 

All Fun and Games releases on September 1st. 


 In other news…

A new horror series is coming your way this fall. 

THE CHANGELING, which is based on Victor Lavelle’s novel of the same name, is being adapted into a series for Apple TV +. 

The novel was about a couple named Emma and Apollo with a son named Brian. When one day Emma begins to receive photos of her son that she didn’t take, she begins to get paranoid. Apollo on the other hand is convinced his wife is suffering from postpartum depression. 

Things go very wrong when Emma begins to claim that the baby isn’t hers. One day, she commits an unthinkable act and disappears. Apollo goes in search of his wife and gets caught up in a twisted fairytale of trolls and magic which makes him realize that perhaps his baby wasn’t really his but a changeling. 

The trailer for the series has dropped and shows Apollo and Emma falling in love and eventually getting married. Emma talks to Apollo about her trip to Brazil where an old woman gave her three wishes and tied a red thread around her wrist with the promise that the day it would break, her three wishes would come true. 

Apollo, being charming and all, cuts the thread from her wrist and promises to make all her wishes come true. We then see disaster strike and Apollo running around the city looking for his wife. 

Something terrible has happened and Apollo finds himself believing in fairytales. 

The series stars LaKeith Stanfield, Clark Backo, and Jonelle Gunderson. 

THE CHANGELING will premiere on September 8th and will so far, consist of eight episodes. 


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