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Horror Weekly News: The Queen Mary departs soon. Frankenstein inspired horror movie Birth/Rebirth Trailer is here.

 The RMS Queen Mary may have been a retired ocean liner but has long since been the subject of ghost stories. 

The Queen Mary is known as one of the most haunted places in America since that is where it has been docked. Over the years, people who have visited the ship that not stands as a tourist attraction, have claimed to see ghosts of people who have passed away. Some of them claim to hear whistling, squeals and laughter in the shafts while others thought they smelled cigars and perfume. 

The Queen Mary has many haunted tales and so it comes as no surprise that it is now an inspiration to a horror movie as well. 

Titled THE QUEEN MARY, the trailer reveals a couple who go on board the ship with their son Lukas. Erin and Patrick who are photographers, intend to find an interesting story aboard the ship but when Lukas goes missing, Erin realizes that the past may be connected to what is happening to her now. 

We do see Lukas go down a shaft but does he accidentally hang himself or is a ghost responsible? The trailer reveals people and ghosts from the past, seeping into the present day. 

Will Erin find her son or is he lost forever? 

The movie stars Alice Eve, Lenny Rush, and Joel Fry. 

Directed by Gary Shore who is also the writer along with Tom Vaughan, THE QUEEN MARY will release on August 18th.


 In other news...

What if there was a way you could get a loved one back? 

In what appears to be inspired by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, a new horror movie sees a little girl being resurrected by a morgue technician. 

In the trailer for BIRTH/REBIRTH a nurse called Celie loses her daughter Lila. During the autopsy when the technician asks his colleague whether they should save the organs, the other morgue technician, Rose, gives him a curious look. 

When Celie’s daughter’s body disappears, the hospital has no idea what to tell her, but Celie suspects Rose since she appears to be stuffing a large bag into the trunk of her car. 

Desperate for answers, Celie waits by Rose’s appartment and when she refuses to answer her, barges into her apartment and receives the shock of her life. 

Lila is on the bed, attached to monitors. Is she alive? 

Celie then learns that Rose has been reanimating the dead through an experiment. Her first subject, a pig, has been successfully brought back to life. 

Celie sees a way to bring her daughter back into her life. But in order to do so, she may have to help Rose use some unconventional methods that goes against her beliefs. 

BIRTH/REBIRTH appears to be a thrilling movie that has already received positive reviews at film festivals. 

The movie is directed by Lauren Moss who is also one of the writers along with Brendan J. O’Brian. 

BIRTH/REBIRTH stars Marin Ireland, Judy Reyes, and A.J. Lister. 

The movie will be streamed on Shudder on the 18th of August. 


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