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Horror Weekly News: Saw X Trailer Drops. Experience true horror in The Dive.


Live or Die, Make Your Choice. 

Saw is back and so is John Kramer aka Jigsaw! Known as the most complex villain of all times, John Kramer, played by Tobin Bell will return with a brand new movie in the Saw franchise.

Jigsaw is one of those villains who doesn’t believe in killing his victims mindlessly. He puts them through a series of psychological tests so that they can understand what it is to appreciate life. 

However, the methods he applies consists of victims being placed in traps from which they must escape by making difficult decisions. 

Now, we know that John Kramer has already died in Saw III. So what is he doing in Saw X

Turns out that Saw X will be based on the events that take place between Saw I and Saw II. 

In the recently released trailer, we see a very frail and desperate John Kramer seeking treatment for his illness. Even though he is assured by the medical staff that he will be well taken care of, something obviously doesn’t go according to plan which results in John Kramer resorting to testing the very people who said they would help him. 

John Kramer has his victims in traps and we also get to see Billy the Puppet making an appearance on his red tricycle. 

In the trailer, you can also catch a glimpse of the poster shot which shows a man with tube lights in his eye sockets. 

We also see the return of Jigsaw’s apprentice, Amanda Young played by Shawnee Smith. 

Clearly, Saw X is going to push new limits and unleash new contraptions and torture devices for the victims. 

The movie is directed by Kevin Greutert and stars Tobin Bell, Shawnee Smith, and Steven Brand. 

Saw X will release on September 29th 2023. 


 In other news…

You will think twice before going underwater after watching The Dive. 

Based on the Swedish thriller BREAKING SURFACE, The Dive focuses on two sisters as they go diving in a remote location. As luck would have it, one of the sisters is trapped leaving the other to find a way to save her. 

The 2020 Swedish thriller Breaking Surface showed two sisters, Ida and Tuva, go to Norway for a winter diving trip. The two sisters have a bit of a past where Tuva had almost drowned as a kid and Ida, although nearby, was unable to save her. 

It is because of that incident that the two sisters aren’t as close. But when Tuva is trapped underwater, Ida gets a second chance to save her. But oxygen is running low and there isn’t anyone to help them. 

Fortunately, the sisters don’t have to deal with underwater creatures and so with great difficulty, they manage to escape an icy death. 

The Dive has sisters Drew and May going off to a remote location for a dive. May is the experienced one, so she becomes trapped under the underwater debris. It is up to Drew to save her sister even though oxygen is running low and there is no one around to help them. 

At one point, Drew may have to consider risking her life to save her sister. 

The movie is directed by Maximilian Erlenwein and stars Sophie Lowe and Louisa Krause. 

The Dive will release on August 25th 2023. 

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