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Horror Weekly News: A town is overrun by zombies in R.L. Stine's Zombie Town. A Killer Mannequin turns Stalker in Don't Look Away.


Welcome to Carverville. But enter only if you dare.

Because you see, the town is overrun by zombies.

R.L. Stine's novel ZOMBIE TOWN has been adapted into a movie that is coming to theatres on September 1st.

The novel, which was released in 2012, was about two friends Mike and Karen who go to a movie theatre to watch a zombie horror movie only to have the actors come out of the screen and chase their friends all around town. The zombies infect the townspeople and Mike has to reach home before the zombies get to his house.

The novel received rave reviews and was quite popular with kids.

The movie adaptation has changed the name from Karen to Amy considering that the name has been used as an insulting term in recent years.

The movie trailer shows Amy and Mike watching a movie alone in the theatres when a beam goes off allowing the actors to walk out of the screen. Soon enough, the zombies have infected half the town and it is up to Amy and Mike to save the day.

But will they be able to do so or turn into zombies themselves?

In order to save the day, the two friends seek out the filmmaker who is the only one who can help break the curse and free the town from zombies.

ZOMBIE TOWN is directed by Peter Lepeniotis and stars Chevy Chase, Dan Akroyd, Henry Czerny, Madi Monroe, and Marlon Kazadi.

There are rumors of author R.L. Stine starring in the movie as well.

ZOMBIE TOWN will be released on September 1st in theatres.

In other news...

Creepy dolls are not the only things that can scare you. Get ready for  whole movie on creepy mannequins as well.

Coming this fall, you will not want to look away from a mannequin who will kill you if you look away.

In the new trailer for DON'T LOOK AWAY, a young woman called Frankie comes across a supernatural entity that goes after her loved ones. The creepy mannequin takes down one person after another until they finally figure out a way to stop the killings once and for all.

But will they be able to stop the killer mannequin in time?

DON'T LOOK AWAY was previously titled Mannequin.

Directed by Micheal Bafaro who is also a writer along with Michael Mitton, the film stars Kelly Bastard, Colm Hill and Rene Lai. 

DON'T LOOK AWAY releases on September 1st.


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