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Horror Weekly News: Iain Reed's FOE gets a movie adaptation. Gruesome Thriller 8 FOUND DEAD gets a trailer.


Iain Reed’s bestselling second novel FOE is now a major motion picture.

The author of I’M THINKING OF ENDING THINGS also serves as a writer alongside Garth Davis in this movie that stars Saoirse Ronan, Paul Mescal, and Aaron Pierre. 

Iain Reed’s critically acclaimed book FOE was about a couple called Junior and Henrietta (Hen for short) living on a remote farm. One night, a stranger called Terrance arrives at their doorstep with an offer for Junior to travel to a space station in orbit around Earth. He will need to spend two years there during which a biomechanical duplicate will offer companionship to his wife Hen. 

Junior is horrified but he is scanned by Terrance and his data is collected. Time passes and Junior begins to believe that something else is afoot. He suspects that Terrance intends to take his place with Hen after Junior is sent away. 

In a shocking twist, the real Junior comes back home one day and there is confusion regarding who the real Junior is. Terrance shuts down the duplicate which turns out to be the narrator of the story. 

Shortly after, the differences between Hen and Junior become vast and they end up becoming distant. After an argument one night, Hen leaves. When she returns later, she appears to be different. 

Terrance returns to check up on the couple and finds them in perfect harmony. 

In the novel, the difference between the real character and the duplicate is shown through quotes. The duplicate apparently doesn’t have quotations in his dialogues whereas the “human” characters do. 

When the real Junior arrives, his dialogues are back in quotation marks. When Hen returns after her argument, her dialogues are shown without quotations suggesting that she may be a duplicate. 

It will be interesting to see how the film will show the distinction between real people and their duplicates. 

Perhaps it will contain an even more shocking twist for the viewers. 

FOE will be released on October 6th, 2023. 


 In other news…

Coming this September is a new gruesome thriller that will make you rethink booking Airbnbs. 

Over the recent years, there have been plenty of horror movies based on people getting trapped in motels, hotels, and now Airbnbs. With Airbnbs, the plot pretty much circles around the property being double booked as seen in the movie BARBARIAN

Here is another movie that will make you wary of holidaying in a desert and booking Airbnbs. 

Titled 8 FOUND DEAD, the spoiler is in the title. Eight people will die, but will they all be from the main cast? 

The story is about two couples meeting at a remote rental property in the desert. The two couples, who are also friends, end up arriving separately and once they reach there, find out another couple already there claiming that they have booked the same property too. 

In the trailer, we get to meet the couples as well as get a taste of the violence in the movie. While the older couple appears to be friendly at first, they are actually up to no good. 

The trailer shows the older woman smile creepily at another woman while informing her that she is in big trouble. 

We also get to see two police officers arriving at a crime scene. That makes eight isn’t it? 

Written by Jonathan Buchanan and Directed by Travis Greene the movie stars Alisha Soper, Aly Trasher, Tim Simek, and Rosanne Limeres.

8 FOUND DEAD will be released on September 8th, 2023. 


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