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Horror Book of the Week: Slime Doesn't Pay By R.L. Stine


This week’s Horror Book Recommendation is SLIME DOESN’T PAY by R.L. Stine. While it’s not a part of the Goosebumps series, fans will find the story structure to be reminiscent of the author’s famous series.

Blackstone Publishing published The book on September 26th, 2023, and sits on the bestsellers list for Children’s Mystery and Spine-Chilling Horror. The book has garnered positive reviews with readers finding the story to be fun with a surprising twist that the author is well-known to pull it off efficiently. 


 Quick Review of SLIME DOESN’T PAY (based on the ARC courtesy of NetGalley)

Amy has done something horrible to her brother Arnie based on the prologue where she appears to be making a confession. But she claims that Arnie had it coming considering what he did to her. 

You will discover what drove Amy to the edge only in Chapter 18. After that, Part Two explains how Amy takes her revenge and how things go horribly wrong after that. 

In the midst of all this, Amy must also deal with parents who are facing financial issues, a strange creature with black quills, and a girl from her class she is being forced to be friends with. 

It’s no surprise that the authors knows how to write for the age group. He manages to handle and encompass the dilemmas faced with teenagers without making them appear insufferable. 

Most importantly, those with siblings will perfectly understand Amy’s situation and the patience she has shown so far before she finally snaps. There’s always that last straw after which it is time to teach that mischievous sibling a well-deserved lesson. 

The story is fast-paced, entertaining, and has just the right amount of horror elements for the young audience. 

The ending is too convenient, though. Things are wrapped up quickly in a quick deus ex machina style. SPOILER ALERT! 

One minute a monster is on a rampage, the next instant, it is easily subdued by a beverage. And the family money problems are conveniently fixed when a family member’s secret life is widely accepted enough to be granted the spotlight and celebrity status. 

However, the rest of the book will keep you invested in the lives of the characters who are relatable and sincere. 

SLIME DOESN’T PAY Plot (Taken from

Lots of little brothers can be pests and trouble-makers -- but Amy's brother Arnie is a MONSTER ...

In this R.L. Stine family-friendly scare fest, Amy and her friend, Lissa, don't know what to do about Arnie's bullying, bad-boy behavior, and mean jokes and pranks. The little monster is ruining their lives!

The girls decide it's payback time. Total humiliation for Arnie. They find a recipe for blue slime on a YouTube channel and mix a big bucket to pour over Arnie at his birthday party.

To their horror, the girls instantly discover that SLIME DOESN'T PAY! Before their eyes, Arnie's whole body starts to change. The slime turns him into a real monster.

Now Amy and Lissa have two frightening dilemmas: Can they save their town from the raging Arnie Monster? And is there any way to turn the monster back into Arnie?

Get the book 


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